sUsername = urlencode($sUsername); $this->sPassword = urlencode($sPassword); $this->iCacheTime = $iCacheTime; // create instance of XML parser class $this->oXmlParser = new XmlParser(); } /************************ private methods ************************/ protected function FromDeliciousDate($sDate) { return trim(str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $sDate)); } protected function ToDeliciousDate($sDate) { return date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($sDate)); } protected function GetBoolReturn($sInput) { return ($sInput == 'done' || $sInput == 'ok'); } protected function Delay() { // could use microtime but not supported on all systems if (!is_null($this->iLastRequest) && time() - $this->iLastRequest < 1) { sleep(1); } else { $this->iLastRequest = time(); } } public function HttpRequest($sCmd) { // check for curl lib, use in preference to file_get_contents if available if (function_exists('curl_init')) { // initiate session $oCurl = curl_init($sCmd); // set options curl_setopt_array($oCurl, array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => PHP_DELICIOUS_USER_AGENT, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => PHP_DELICIOUS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => PHP_DELICIOUS_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT => PHP_DELICIOUS_DNS_TIMEOUT, CURLOPT_USERPWD => "$this->sUsername:$this->sPassword" )); // request URL if ($sResult = curl_exec($oCurl)) { switch (curl_getinfo($oCurl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)) { case 200: return $sResult; break; case 503: $this->iLastError = PHP_DELICIOUS_ERR_THROTTLED; break; case 401: $this->iLastError = PHP_DELICIOUS_ERR_INCORRECT_LOGIN; break; default: $this->iLastError = PHP_DELICIOUS_ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED; } } // close session curl_close($oCurl); return false; } else { // set user agent ini_set('user_agent', PHP_DELICIOUS_USER_AGENT); // add basic auth details $sCmd = str_replace('https://', "https://$this->sUsername:$this->sPassword@", $sCmd); // fopen_wrappers need to be enabled for this to work - see if ($sResult = @file_get_contents($sCmd)) { if (strstr($http_response_header[0], '503')) { $this->iLastError = PHP_DELICIOUS_ERR_THROTTLED; } else { if (strstr($http_response_header[0], '401')) { $this->iLastError = PHP_DELICIOUS_ERR_INCORRECT_LOGIN; } else { return $sResult; } } } else { $this->iLastError = PHP_DELICIOUS_ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED; } } return false; } protected function DeliciousRequest($sCmd, $aParameters = array()) { if ($this->LastError() >= 1 && $this->LastError() <= 3) { return false; } // reset the last error $this->iLastError = 0; // construct URL - add username, password and command to run $sCmd = PHP_DELICIOUS_BASE_URL.$sCmd; // check for parameters if (count($aParameters) > 0) { $sCmd .= '?'; } // add parameters to command $iCount = 0; foreach ($aParameters as $sKey => $sValue) { if ($sValue != '') { if ($iCount > 0) { $sCmd .= '&'; } $sCmd .= "$sKey=".urlencode($sValue); $iCount++; } } if ($sXml = $this->HttpRequest($sCmd)) { // return result passed as array if ($aXml = $this->oXmlParser->Parse($sXml)) { return $aXml; } else { $this->iLastError = PHP_DELICIOUS_ERR_XML_PARSE; } } return false; } // generic function to get post listings protected function GetList($sCmd, $sTag = '', $sDate = '', $sUrl = '', $iCount = -1) { $oCache = new Cache($this->sUsername.$sCmd.$sTag.$sDate.$sUrl.$iCount, $this->iCacheTime); if (!$oCache->Check()) { if ($sCmd == 'posts/all' && $oCache->Exists()) { $sLastUpdate = $this->GetLastUpdate(); $aData = $oCache->Get(); if ($aData['last-update'] == $sLastUpdate) { $oCache->Set($aData); return $aData['items']; } } // initialise parameters array $aParameters = array(); // check for optional parameters if ($sTag != '') { $aParameters['tag'] = $sTag; } if ($sDate != '') { $aParameters['dt'] = $this->ToDeliciousDate($sDate); } if ($sUrl != '') { $aParameters['url'] = $sUrl; } if ($iCount != -1) { $aParameters['count'] = $iCount; } // make request if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest($sCmd, $aParameters)) { $aPosts = array(); $aPosts['last-update'] = $this->FromDeliciousDate($aResult['attributes']['UPDATE']); $aPosts['items'] = array(); foreach ($aResult['items'] as $aCurPost) { // check absence of tags for current URL $aCurPost['attributes']['TAG'] != 'system:unfiled' ? $aTags = explode(' ', $aCurPost['attributes']['TAG']) : $aTags = array(); $aNewPost = array( 'url' => $aCurPost['attributes']['HREF'], 'desc' => $aCurPost['attributes']['DESCRIPTION'], 'notes' => $aCurPost['attributes']['EXTENDED'], 'hash' => $aCurPost['attributes']['HASH'], 'tags' => $aTags, 'updated' => $this->FromDeliciousDate($aCurPost['attributes']['TIME']) ); if ($sCmd == 'posts/get') { $aNewPost['count'] = $aCurPost['attributes']['OTHERS']; } $aPosts['items'][] = $aNewPost; } $oCache->Set($aPosts); } else { $oCache->Set(false); } } $aData = $oCache->Get(); return $aData['items']; } /************************ public methods ************************/ public function LastError() { // alias to LastErrorNo for backwards compatibility return $this->LastErrorNo(); } public function LastErrorNo() { return $this->iLastError; } public function LastErrorString() { switch ($this->iLastError) { case 1: return 'Connection to failed.'; case 2: return 'Incorrect username or password.'; case 3: return ' API access throttled.'; case 4: return 'XML parse error has occurred.'; case 5: return 'An unknown error has occurred.'; default: return ''; } } public function GetLastUpdate() { // get last time the user updated their account if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('posts/update')) { return $this->FromDeliciousDate($aResult['attributes']['TIME']); } return false; } public function GetAllTags() { $oCache = new Cache($this->sUsername.'tags/get', $this->iCacheTime); if (!$oCache->Check()) { if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('tags/get')) { $aTags = array(); foreach ($aResult['items'] as $aTag) { $aTags[] = array( 'tag' => $aTag['attributes']['TAG'], 'count' => $aTag['attributes']['COUNT'] ); } $oCache->Set($aTags); } else { $oCache->Set(false); } } return $oCache->Get(); } public function RenameTag($sOld, $sNew) { $this->Delay(); if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('tags/rename', array('old' => $sOld, 'new' => $sNew))) { if ($aResult['content'] == 'done') { return true; } } return false; } public function GetPosts( $sTag = '', // filter by tag $sDate = '', // filter by date - format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS $sUrl = '' // filter by URL ) { return $this->GetList('posts/get', $sTag, $sDate, $sUrl); } public function GetRecentPosts( $sTag = '', // filter by tag $iCount = 15 // number of posts to retrieve, min 15, max 100 ) { return $this->GetList('posts/recent', $sTag, '', '', $iCount); } public function GetAllPosts( $sTag = '' // filter by tag ) { return $this->GetList('posts/all', $sTag, '', '', -1); } public function GetDates( $sTag = '' // filter by tag ) { // set up cache object $oCache = new Cache($this->sUsername."posts/dates$sTag", $this->iCacheTime); // check for cached data if (!$oCache->Check()) { // return number of posts for each date if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('posts/dates', array('tag' => $sTag))) { $aDates = array(); foreach ($aResult['items'] as $aCurDate) { $aDates[] = array( 'date' => $this->FromDeliciousDate($aCurDate['attributes']['DATE']), 'count' => $aCurDate['attributes']['COUNT'] ); } $oCache->Set($aDates); } else { $oCache->Set(false); } } // return data from cache return $oCache->Get(); } public function AddPost( $sUrl, // URL of post $sDescription, // description of post $sNotes = '', // additional notes relating to post $aTags = array(), // tags to assign to the post $sDate = '', // date of the post, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS - default is current date and time $bReplace = true // if set, any existing post with the same URL will be replaced ) { $this->Delay(); $aParameters = array( 'url' => $sUrl, 'description' => $sDescription, 'extended' => $sNotes, 'tags' => implode(' ', $aTags) ); if ($sDate != '') { $aParameters['dt'] = $this->ToDeliciousDate($sDate); } if (!$bReplace) { $aParameters['replace'] = 'no'; } if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('posts/add', $aParameters)) { return $this->GetBoolReturn($aResult['attributes']['CODE']); } return false; } public function DeletePost($sUrl) { $this->Delay(); if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('posts/delete', array('url' => $sUrl))) { return $this->GetBoolReturn($aResult['attributes']['CODE']); } return false; } public function GetAllBundles() { $oCache = new Cache($this->sUsername.'tags/bundles/all', $this->iCacheTime); if (!$oCache->Check()) { if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('tags/bundles/all')) { $aBundles = array(); foreach ($aResult['items'] as $aCurBundle) { $aBundles[] = array( 'name' => $aCurBundle['attributes']['NAME'], 'tags' => $aCurBundle['attributes']['TAGS'] ); } $oCache->Set($aBundles); } else { $oCache->Set(false); } } return $oCache->Get(); } public function AddBundle($sName, $aTags) { $this->Delay(); if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('tags/bundles/set', array('bundle' => $sName, 'tags' => implode(' ', $aTags)))) { return $this->GetBoolReturn($aResult['content']); } return false; } public function DeleteBundle($sName) { $this->Delay(); if ($aResult = $this->DeliciousRequest('tags/bundles/delete', array('bundle' => $sName))) { return $this->GetBoolReturn($aResult['content']); } return false; } // the remaining methods call the JSON API public function GetUrlDetails( $vUrls // this can take a single URL or an array of URLs (up to 15) ) { if (function_exists('json_decode')) { $oCache = new Cache('url/data'.implode($vUrls), $this->iCacheTime); if (!$oCache->Check()) { $sUrl = PHP_DELICIOUS_JSON_URL.'url/data?'; if (is_array($vUrls)) { foreach ($vUrls as $sCurrentUrl) { $sUrl .= 'hash='.md5($sCurrentUrl).'&'; } $sUrl .= rtrim($sUrl, '&'); } else { $sUrl .= 'hash='.md5($vUrls); } if ($sJson = $this->HttpRequest($sUrl)) { $oCache->Set(json_decode($sJson)); } else { $oCache->Set(false); } } return $oCache->Get(); } return false; } public function GetNetwork($sUsername) { if (function_exists('json_decode')) { $oCache = new Cache("network/$sUsername", $this->iCacheTime); if (!$oCache->Check()) { if ($sJson = $this->HttpRequest(PHP_DELICIOUS_JSON_URL."network/$sUsername")) { $oCache->Set(json_decode($sJson)); } else { $oCache->Set(false); } } return $oCache->Get(); } return false; } public function GetMyNetwork() { return $this->GetNetwork($this->sUsername); } public function GetFans($sUsername) { if (function_exists('json_decode')) { $oCache = new Cache("fans/$sUsername", $this->iCacheTime); if (!$oCache->Check()) { if ($sJson = $this->HttpRequest(PHP_DELICIOUS_JSON_URL."fans/$sUsername")) { $oCache->Set(json_decode($sJson)); } else { $oCache->Set(false); } } return $oCache->Get(); } return false; } public function GetMyFans() { return $this->GetFans($this->sUsername); } } ?>