Uses the fantastic "php-delicious" library created by E.J. Eliot: Usage: 1) Create the "" file, with your Delicious username and password, e.g.: 2) Run this script and redirect the output as needed: $ php delicious-dump-alltags.php > delicious-tags.xml */ // Load php-delicious library require('php-delicious/'); // Load the (private) "" file require(''); $sCmd = PHP_DELICIOUS_BASE_URL.'tags/get'; $oPhpDelicious = new PhpDelicious(AUTH_DELICIOUS_USERNAME, AUTH_DELICIOUS_PASSWORD); if ($sXml = $oPhpDelicious->HttpRequest($sCmd)) { if (strlen($sXml) > 0) { // Strip last two lines off the file, because these contain a timestamp $sXml = substr($sXml, 0, strrpos($sXml,"\n")); $sXml = substr($sXml, 0, strrpos($sXml,"\n")); fwrite(STDOUT, $sXml); } } else { fwrite(STDERR, "Error making HttpRequest(\"sCmd\"): LastErrorNo = ".$oPhpDelicious->LastErrorNo()."\n"); } ?>