#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # This file, hub, is generated code. # Please DO NOT EDIT or send patches for it. # # Please take a look at the source from # http://github.com/defunkt/hub # and submit patches against the individual files # that build hub. # module Hub class Args < Array attr_accessor :executable def initialize(*args) super @executable = ENV["GIT"] || "git" @after = nil @skip = false @original_args = args.first @chain = [nil] end def after(cmd_or_args = nil, args = nil, &block) @chain.insert(-1, normalize_callback(cmd_or_args, args, block)) end def before(cmd_or_args = nil, args = nil, &block) @chain.insert(@chain.index(nil), normalize_callback(cmd_or_args, args, block)) end def chained? @chain.size > 1 end def commands chain = @chain.dup chain[chain.index(nil)] = self.to_exec chain end def skip! @skip ||= true end def skip? @skip end def to_exec(args = self) Array(executable) + args end def words reject { |arg| arg.index('-') == 0 } end def flags self - words end def changed? chained? or self != @original_args end def has_flag?(*flags) pattern = flags.flatten.map { |f| Regexp.escape(f) }.join('|') !grep(/^#{pattern}(?:=|$)/).empty? end private def normalize_callback(cmd_or_args, args, block) if block block elsif args [cmd_or_args].concat args elsif Array === cmd_or_args self.to_exec cmd_or_args elsif cmd_or_args cmd_or_args else raise ArgumentError, "command or block required" end end end end module Hub module Context; end module Commands instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method(m) unless m =~ /(^__|send|to\?$)/ } extend self extend Context API_REPO = 'http://github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/show/%s/%s' API_FORK = 'http://github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/fork/%s/%s' API_CREATE = 'http://github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/create' def run(args) slurp_global_flags(args) args.unshift 'help' if args.empty? cmd = args[0] expanded_args = expand_alias(cmd) cmd = expanded_args[0] if expanded_args cmd = cmd.sub(/(\w)-/, '\1_') if method_defined?(cmd) and cmd != 'run' args[0, 1] = expanded_args if expanded_args send(cmd, args) end end def clone(args) ssh = args.delete('-p') has_values = /^(--(upload-pack|template|depth|origin|branch|reference)|-[ubo])$/ idx = 1 while idx < args.length arg = args[idx] if arg.index('-') == 0 idx += 1 if arg =~ has_values elsif arg.index('://') or arg.index('@') or File.directory?(arg) break elsif arg.scan('/').size <= 1 && !arg.include?(':') args[args.index(arg)] = github_url(:repo => arg, :private => ssh) break end idx += 1 end end def submodule(args) return unless index = args.index('add') args.delete_at index branch = args.index('-b') || args.index('--branch') if branch args.delete_at branch branch_name = args.delete_at branch end clone(args) if branch_name args.insert branch, '-b', branch_name end args.insert index, 'add' end def remote(args) return unless ['add','set-url'].include?(args[1]) && args.last !~ %r{.+?://|.+?@|^[./]} ssh = args.delete('-p') args.last =~ /\b(.+?)(?:\/(.+))?$/ user, repo = $1, $2 if args.words[2] == 'origin' && args.words[3].nil? user = repo = nil elsif args.words[-2] == args.words[1] idx = args.index( args.words[-1] ) args[idx] = user else args.replace args[0...-1] end args << github_url(:user => user, :repo => repo, :private => ssh) end def fetch(args) if args.include?('--multiple') names = args.words[1..-1] elsif remote_name = args.words[1] if remote_name =~ /^\w+(,\w+)+$/ index = args.index(remote_name) args.delete(remote_name) names = remote_name.split(',') args.insert(index, *names) args.insert(index, '--multiple') else names = [remote_name] end else names = [] end names.reject! { |name| name =~ /\W/ or remotes.include?(name) or remotes_group(name) or not repo_exists?(name) } if names.any? names.each do |name| args.before ['remote', 'add', name, github_url(:user => name)] end end end def cherry_pick(args) unless args.include?('-m') or args.include?('--mainline') case ref = args.words.last when %r{^(?:https?:)//github.com/(.+?)/(.+?)/commit/([a-f0-9]{7,40})} user, repo, sha = $1, $2, $3 args[args.index(ref)] = sha when /^(\w+)@([a-f1-9]{7,40})$/ user, repo, sha = $1, nil, $2 args[args.index(ref)] = sha else user = nil end if user if user == repo_owner args.before ['fetch', default_remote] elsif remotes.include?(user) args.before ['fetch', user] else remote_url = github_url(:user => user, :repo => repo, :private => false) args.before ['remote', 'add', '-f', user, remote_url] end end end end def am(args) if url = args.find { |a| a =~ %r{^https?://(gist\.)?github\.com/} } idx = args.index(url) gist = $1 == 'gist.' url = url.sub(%r{(/pull/\d+)/\w*$}, '\1') unless gist ext = gist ? '.txt' : '.patch' url += ext unless File.extname(url) == ext patch_file = File.join(ENV['TMPDIR'], "#{gist ? 'gist-' : ''}#{File.basename(url)}") args.before 'curl', ['-#LA', "hub #{Hub::Version}", url, '-o', patch_file] args[idx] = patch_file end end def init(args) if args.delete('-g') url = github_url(:private => true, :repo => current_dirname) args.after "git remote add origin #{url}" end end def fork(args) if github_user && github_token && repo_owner if repo_exists?(github_user) puts "#{github_user}/#{repo_name} already exists on GitHub" else fork_repo end if args.include?('--no-remote') exit else url = github_url(:private => true) args.replace %W"remote add -f #{github_user} #{url}" args.after { puts "new remote: #{github_user}" } end end rescue Net::HTTPExceptions response = $!.response warn "error creating fork: #{response.message} (HTTP #{response.code})" exit 1 end def create(args) if !is_repo? puts "'create' must be run from inside a git repository" args.skip! elsif github_user && github_token args.shift options = {} options[:private] = true if args.delete('-p') until args.empty? case arg = args.shift when '-d' options[:description] = args.shift when '-h' options[:homepage] = args.shift else puts "unexpected argument: #{arg}" return end end if repo_exists?(github_user) puts "#{github_user}/#{repo_name} already exists on GitHub" action = "set remote origin" else action = "created repository" create_repo(options) end url = github_url(:private => true) if remotes.first != 'origin' args.replace %W"remote add -f origin #{url}" else args.replace %W"remote -v" end args.after { puts "#{action}: #{github_user}/#{repo_name}" } end rescue Net::HTTPExceptions response = $!.response warn "error creating repository: #{response.message} (HTTP #{response.code})" exit 1 end def push(args) return if args[1].nil? || !args[1].index(',') branch = (args[2] ||= normalize_branch(current_branch)) remotes = args[1].split(',') args[1] = remotes.shift remotes.each do |name| args.after ['push', name, branch] end end def browse(args) args.shift browse_command(args) do user = repo = nil dest = args.shift dest = nil if dest == '--' if dest repo = dest elsif repo_user user = repo_user else abort "Usage: hub browse [/]" end params = { :user => user, :repo => repo } case subpage = args.shift when 'commits' branch = (!dest && tracked_branch) || 'master' params[:web] = "/commits/#{branch}" when 'tree', NilClass branch = !dest && tracked_branch params[:web] = "/tree/#{branch}" if branch && branch != 'master' else params[:web] = "/#{subpage}" end params end end def compare(args) args.shift browse_command(args) do if args.empty? branch = tracked_branch if branch && branch != 'master' range, user = branch, repo_user else abort "Usage: hub compare [USER] [...]" end else range = args.pop user = args.pop || repo_user end { :user => user, :web => "/compare/#{range}" } end end def hub(args) return help(args) unless args[1] == 'standalone' require 'hub/standalone' puts Hub::Standalone.build exit rescue LoadError abort "hub is running in standalone mode." end def alias(args) shells = { 'sh' => 'alias git=hub', 'bash' => 'alias git=hub', 'zsh' => 'function git(){hub "$@"}', 'csh' => 'alias git hub', 'fish' => 'alias git hub' } silent = args.delete('-s') if shell = args[1] if silent.nil? puts "Run this in your shell to start using `hub` as `git`:" print " " end else puts "usage: hub alias [-s] SHELL", "" puts "You already have hub installed and available in your PATH," puts "but to get the full experience you'll want to alias it to" puts "`git`.", "" puts "To see how to accomplish this for your shell, run the alias" puts "command again with the name of your shell.", "" puts "Known shells:" shells.map { |key, _| key }.sort.each do |key| puts " " + key end puts "", "Options:" puts " -s Silent. Useful when using the output with eval, e.g." puts " $ eval `hub alias -s bash`" exit end if shells[shell] puts shells[shell] else abort "fatal: never heard of `#{shell}'" end exit end def version(args) args.after do puts "hub version %s" % Version end end alias_method "--version", :version def help(args) command = args.words[1] if command == 'hub' puts hub_manpage exit elsif command.nil? && !args.has_flag?('-a', '--all') ENV['GIT_PAGER'] = '' unless args.has_flag?('-p', '--paginate') # Use `cat`. puts improved_help_text exit end end alias_method "--help", :help def improved_help_text <<-help usage: git [--version] [--exec-path[=GIT_EXEC_PATH]] [--html-path] [-p|--paginate|--no-pager] [--bare] [--git-dir=GIT_DIR] [--work-tree=GIT_WORK_TREE] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS] Basic Commands: init Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing one add Add new or modified files to the staging area rm Remove files from the working directory and staging area mv Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink status Show the status of the working directory and staging area commit Record changes to the repository History Commands: log Show the commit history log diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc show Show information about commits, tags or files Branching Commands: branch List, create, or delete branches checkout Switch the active branch to another branch merge Join two or more development histories (branches) together tag Create, list, delete, sign or verify a tag object Remote Commands: clone Clone a remote repository into a new directory fetch Download data, tags and branches from a remote repository pull Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branch push Upload data, tags and branches to a remote repository remote View and manage a set of remote repositories Advanced commands: reset Reset your staging area or working directory to another point rebase Re-apply a series of patches in one branch onto another bisect Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug grep Print files with lines matching a pattern in your codebase See 'git help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command. help end private def slurp_global_flags(args) flags = %w[ -c -p --paginate --no-pager --no-replace-objects --bare --version --help ] flags2 = %w[ --exec-path= --git-dir= --work-tree= ] globals = [] locals = [] while args[0] && (flags.include?(args[0]) || flags2.any? {|f| args[0].index(f) == 0 }) flag = args.shift case flag when '--version', '--help' args.unshift flag.sub('--', '') when '-c' config_pair = args.shift key, value = config_pair.split('=', 2) Context::GIT_CONFIG["config #{key}"] = value.to_s globals << flag << config_pair when '-p', '--paginate', '--no-pager' locals << flag else globals << flag end end Context::GIT_CONFIG.executable = Array(Context::GIT_CONFIG.executable).concat(globals) args.executable = Array(args.executable).concat(globals).concat(locals) end def browse_command(args) url_only = args.delete('-u') $stderr.puts "Warning: the `-p` flag has no effect anymore" if args.delete('-p') params = yield args.executable = url_only ? 'echo' : browser_launcher args.push github_url({:web => true, :private => true}.update(params)) end def hub_manpage return "** Can't find groff(1)" unless command?('groff') require 'open3' out = nil Open3.popen3(groff_command) do |stdin, stdout, _| stdin.puts hub_raw_manpage stdin.close out = stdout.read.strip end out end def groff_command "groff -Wall -mtty-char -mandoc -Tascii" end def hub_raw_manpage if File.exists? file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../man/hub.1' File.read(file) else DATA.read end end def puts(*args) page_stdout super end def page_stdout return unless $stdout.tty? read, write = IO.pipe if Kernel.fork $stdin.reopen(read) read.close write.close ENV['LESS'] = 'FSRX' Kernel.select [STDIN] pager = ENV['GIT_PAGER'] || `git config --get-all core.pager`.split.first || ENV['PAGER'] || 'less -isr' pager = 'cat' if pager.empty? exec pager rescue exec "/bin/sh", "-c", pager else $stdout.reopen(write) $stderr.reopen(write) if $stderr.tty? read.close write.close end end def repo_exists?(user) require 'net/http' url = API_REPO % [user, repo_name] Net::HTTPSuccess === Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)) end def fork_repo url = API_FORK % [repo_owner, repo_name] response = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI(url), 'login' => github_user, 'token' => github_token) response.error! unless Net::HTTPSuccess === response end def create_repo(options = {}) url = API_CREATE params = {'login' => github_user, 'token' => github_token, 'name' => repo_name} params['public'] = '0' if options[:private] params['description'] = options[:description] if options[:description] params['homepage'] = options[:homepage] if options[:homepage] response = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI(url), params) response.error! unless Net::HTTPSuccess === response end def expand_alias(cmd) if expanded = git_alias_for(cmd) if expanded.index('!') != 0 require 'shellwords' unless defined?(::Shellwords) Shellwords.shellwords(expanded) end end end end end require 'shellwords' module Hub module Context private class ShellOutCache < Hash attr_accessor :executable def initialize(executable = nil, &block) super(&block) @executable = executable end def to_exec(args) args = Shellwords.shellwords(args) if args.respond_to? :to_str Array(executable) + Array(args) end end GIT_CONFIG = ShellOutCache.new(ENV['GIT'] || 'git') do |cache, cmd| full_cmd = cache.to_exec(cmd) cmd_string = full_cmd.respond_to?(:shelljoin) ? full_cmd.shelljoin : full_cmd.join(' ') result = %x{#{cmd_string}}.chomp cache[cmd] = $?.success? && !result.empty? ? result : nil end REMOTES = Hash.new do |cache, remote| if remote urls = GIT_CONFIG["config --get-all remote.#{remote}.url"].to_s.split("\n") if urls.find { |u| u =~ %r{\bgithub\.com[:/](.+)/(.+).git$} } cache[remote] = { :user => $1, :repo => $2 } else cache[remote] = { } end else cache[remote] = { } end end LGHCONF = "http://help.github.com/git-email-settings/" def repo_owner REMOTES[default_remote][:user] end def repo_user REMOTES[current_remote][:user] end def repo_name REMOTES[default_remote][:repo] || current_dirname end def github_user(fatal = true) if user = ENV['GITHUB_USER'] || GIT_CONFIG['config github.user'] user elsif fatal abort("** No GitHub user set. See #{LGHCONF}") end end def github_token(fatal = true) if token = ENV['GITHUB_TOKEN'] || GIT_CONFIG['config github.token'] token elsif fatal abort("** No GitHub token set. See #{LGHCONF}") end end def current_branch GIT_CONFIG['symbolic-ref -q HEAD'] end def tracked_branch branch = current_branch && tracked_for(current_branch) normalize_branch(branch) if branch end def remotes list = GIT_CONFIG['remote'].to_s.split("\n") main = list.delete('origin') and list.unshift(main) list end def remotes_group(name) GIT_CONFIG["config remotes.#{name}"] end def current_remote return if remotes.empty? (current_branch && remote_for(current_branch)) || default_remote end def default_remote remotes.first end def normalize_branch(branch) branch.sub('refs/heads/', '') end def remote_for(branch) GIT_CONFIG['config branch.%s.remote' % normalize_branch(branch)] end def tracked_for(branch) GIT_CONFIG['config branch.%s.merge' % normalize_branch(branch)] end def http_clone? GIT_CONFIG['config --bool hub.http-clone'] == 'true' end def git_alias_for(name) GIT_CONFIG["config alias.#{name}"] end def is_repo? GIT_CONFIG['config core.repositoryformatversion'] end def github_url(options = {}) repo = options[:repo] user, repo = repo.split('/') if repo && repo.index('/') user ||= options[:user] || github_user repo ||= repo_name secure = options[:private] if options[:web] scheme = secure ? 'https:' : 'http:' path = options[:web] == true ? '' : options[:web].to_s if repo =~ /\.wiki$/ repo = repo.sub(/\.wiki$/, '') unless '/wiki' == path path = '/wiki%s' % if path =~ %r{^/commits/} then '/_history' else path.sub(/\w+/, '_\0') end end end '%s//github.com/%s/%s%s' % [scheme, user, repo, path] else if secure url = 'git@github.com:%s/%s.git' elsif http_clone? url = 'http://github.com/%s/%s.git' else url = 'git://github.com/%s/%s.git' end url % [user, repo] end end DIRNAME = File.basename(Dir.pwd) def current_dirname DIRNAME end def browser_launcher require 'rbconfig' browser = ENV['BROWSER'] || (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'].include?('darwin') && 'open') || (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /msdos|mswin|djgpp|mingw|windows/ && 'start') || %w[xdg-open cygstart x-www-browser firefox opera mozilla netscape].find { |comm| which comm } abort "Please set $BROWSER to a web launcher to use this command." unless browser Array(browser) end def which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each { |ext| exe = "#{path}/#{cmd}#{ext}" return exe if File.executable? exe } end return nil end def command?(name) !which(name).nil? end end end module Hub class Runner attr_reader :args def initialize(*args) @args = Args.new(args) Commands.run(@args) end def self.execute(*args) new(*args).execute end def command if args.skip? '' else commands.join('; ') end end def commands args.commands.map do |cmd| if cmd.respond_to?(:join) cmd.map { |c| (c.index(' ') || c.empty?) ? "'#{c}'" : c }.join(' ') else cmd.to_s end end end def execute unless args.skip? if args.chained? execute_command_chain else exec(*args.to_exec) end end end def execute_command_chain commands = args.commands commands.each_with_index do |cmd, i| if cmd.respond_to?(:call) then cmd.call elsif i == commands.length - 1 exec(*cmd) else exit($?.exitstatus) unless system(*cmd) end end end end end module Hub Version = VERSION = '1.6.1' end Hub::Runner.execute(*ARGV) __END__ .\" generated with Ronn/v0.7.3 .\" http://github.com/rtomayko/ronn/tree/0.7.3 . .TH "HUB" "1" "May 2011" "DEFUNKT" "Git Manual" . .SH "NAME" \fBhub\fR \- git + hub = github . .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBhub\fR \fICOMMAND\fR \fIOPTIONS\fR . .br \fBhub alias\fR [\fB\-s\fR] \fISHELL\fR . .P \fBgit init \-g\fR \fIOPTIONS\fR . .br \fBgit create\fR [\fB\-p\fR] [\fB\-d \fR] [\fB\-h \fR] . .br \fBgit clone\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR [\fIUSER\fR/]\fIREPOSITORY\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR . .br \fBgit remote add\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR \fIUSER\fR[/\fIREPOSITORY\fR] . .br \fBgit remote set\-url\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR \fIREMOTE\-NAME\fR \fIUSER\fR[/\fIREPOSITORY\fR] . .br \fBgit fetch\fR \fIUSER\-1\fR,[\fIUSER\-2\fR,\.\.\.] . .br \fBgit cherry\-pick\fR \fIGITHUB\-REF\fR . .br \fBgit am\fR \fIGITHUB\-URL\fR . .br \fBgit push\fR \fIREMOTE\-1\fR,\fIREMOTE\-2\fR,\.\.\.,\fIREMOTE\-N\fR [\fIREF\fR] . .br \fBgit browse\fR [\fB\-u\fR] [[\fIUSER\fR\fB/\fR]\fIREPOSITORY\fR] [SUBPAGE] . .br \fBgit compare\fR [\fB\-u\fR] [\fIUSER\fR] [\fISTART\fR\.\.\.]\fIEND\fR . .br \fBgit submodule add\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR [\fIUSER\fR/]\fIREPOSITORY\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR . .br \fBgit fork\fR [\fB\-\-no\-remote\fR] . .SH "DESCRIPTION" \fBhub\fR enhances various \fBgit\fR commands with GitHub remote expansion\. The alias command displays information on configuring your environment: . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBhub alias\fR [\fB\-s\fR] \fISHELL\fR: Writes shell aliasing code for \fISHELL\fR (\fBbash\fR, \fBsh\fR, \fBzsh\fR, \fBcsh\fR) to standard output\. With the \fB\-s\fR option, the output of this command can be evaluated directly within the shell: . .br \fBeval $(hub alias \-s bash)\fR . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit init\fR \fB\-g\fR \fIOPTIONS\fR: Create a git repository as with git\-init(1) and add remote \fBorigin\fR at "git@github\.com:\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git"; \fIUSER\fR is your GitHub username and \fIREPOSITORY\fR is the current working directory\'s basename\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit create\fR [\fB\-p\fR] [\fB\-d \fR] [\fB\-h \fR]: . .br Create a new public github repository from the current git repository and add remote \fBorigin\fR at "git@github\.com:\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git"; \fIUSER\fR is your GitHub username and \fIREPOSITORY\fR is the current working directory\'s basename\. With \fB\-p\fR, create a private repository\. \fB\-d\fR and \fB\-h\fR set the repository\'s description and homepage, respectively\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit clone\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR [\fIUSER\fR\fB/\fR]\fIREPOSITORY\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR: . .br Clone repository "git://github\.com/\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git" into \fIDIRECTORY\fR as with git\-clone(1)\. When \fIUSER\fR/ is omitted, assumes your GitHub login\. With \fB\-p\fR, use private remote "git@github\.com:\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git"\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit remote add\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR \fIUSER\fR[\fB/\fR\fIREPOSITORY\fR]: . .br Add remote "git://github\.com/\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git" as with git\-remote(1)\. When /\fIREPOSITORY\fR is omitted, the basename of the current working directory is used\. With \fB\-p\fR, use private remote "git@github\.com:\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git"\. If \fIUSER\fR is "origin" then uses your GitHub login\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit remote set\-url\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR \fIREMOTE\-NAME\fR \fIUSER\fR[/\fIREPOSITORY\fR] . .br Sets the url of remote \fIREMOTE\-NAME\fR using the same rules as \fBgit remote add\fR\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit fetch\fR \fIUSER\-1\fR,[\fIUSER\-2\fR,\.\.\.]: Adds missing remote(s) with \fBgit remote add\fR prior to fetching\. New remotes are only added if they correspond to valid forks on GitHub\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit cherry\-pick\fR \fIGITHUB\-REF\fR: Cherry\-pick a commit from a fork using either full URL to the commit or GitHub\-flavored Markdown notation, which is \fBuser@sha\fR\. If the remote doesn\'t yet exist, it will be added\. A \fBgit fetch \fR is issued prior to the cherry\-pick attempt\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit am\fR \fIGITHUB\-URL\fR: Downloads the patch file for the pull request or commit at the URL and applies that patch from disk with \fBgit am\fR\. Similar to \fBcherry\-pick\fR, but doesn\'t add new remotes\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit push\fR \fIREMOTE\-1\fR,\fIREMOTE\-2\fR,\.\.\.,\fIREMOTE\-N\fR [\fIREF\fR]: Push \fIREF\fR to each of \fIREMOTE\-1\fR through \fIREMOTE\-N\fR by executing multiple \fBgit push\fR commands\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit browse\fR [\fB\-u\fR] [[\fIUSER\fR\fB/\fR]\fIREPOSITORY\fR] [SUBPAGE]: Open repository\'s GitHub page in the system\'s default web browser using \fBopen(1)\fR or the \fBBROWSER\fR env variable\. If the repository isn\'t specified, \fBbrowse\fR opens the page of the repository found in the current directory\. If SUBPAGE is specified, the browser will open on the specified subpage: one of "wiki", "commits", "issues" or other (the default is "tree")\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit compare\fR [\fB\-u\fR] [\fIUSER\fR] [\fISTART\fR\.\.\.]\fIEND\fR: Open a GitHub compare view page in the system\'s default web browser\. \fISTART\fR to \fIEND\fR are branch names, tag names, or commit SHA1s specifying the range of history to compare\. If \fISTART\fR is omitted, GitHub will compare against the base branch (the default is "master")\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit submodule add\fR [\fB\-p\fR] \fIOPTIONS\fR [\fIUSER\fR/]\fIREPOSITORY\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR: . .br Submodule repository "git://github\.com/\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git" into \fIDIRECTORY\fR as with git\-submodule(1)\. When \fIUSER\fR/ is omitted, assumes your GitHub login\. With \fB\-p\fR, use private remote "git@github\.com:\fIUSER\fR/\fIREPOSITORY\fR\.git"\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit fork\fR [\fB\-\-no\-remote\fR]: Forks the original project (referenced by "origin" remote) on GitHub and adds a new remote for it under your username\. Requires \fBgithub\.token\fR to be set (see CONFIGURATION)\. . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBgit help\fR: Display enhanced git\-help(1)\. . .IP "" 0 . .SH "CONFIGURATION" Use git\-config(1) to display the currently configured GitHub username: . .IP "" 4 . .nf $ git config \-\-global github\.user . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P Or, set the GitHub username and token with: . .IP "" 4 . .nf $ git config \-\-global github\.user $ git config \-\-global github\.token . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P See \fIhttp://github\.com/guides/local\-github\-config\fR for more information\. . .P You can also tell \fBhub\fR to use \fBhttp://\fR rather than \fBgit://\fR when cloning: . .IP "" 4 . .nf $ git config \-\-global \-\-bool hub\.http\-clone true . .fi . .IP "" 0 . .P Want to use environment variables instead of a local gitconfig for authentication? . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBGITHUB_USER\fR \- If set, this will be used instead of the \fBgithub\.user\fR config . .IP "\(bu" 4 \fBGITHUB_TOKEN\fR \- If set, this will be used instead of the \fBgithub\.token\fR . .IP "" 0 . .SH "EXAMPLES" . .SS "git clone" . .nf $ git clone schacon/ticgit > git clone git://github\.com/schacon/ticgit\.git $ git clone \-p schacon/ticgit > git clone git@github\.com:schacon/ticgit\.git $ git clone resque > git clone git://github\.com/YOUR_USER/resque\.git $ git clone \-p resque > git clone git@github\.com:YOUR_USER/resque\.git . .fi . .SS "git remote add" . .nf $ git remote add rtomayko > git remote add rtomayko git://github\.com/rtomayko/CURRENT_REPO\.git $ git remote add \-p rtomayko > git remote add rtomayko git@github\.com:rtomayko/CURRENT_REPO\.git $ git remote add origin > git remote add origin git://github\.com/YOUR_USER/CURRENT_REPO\.git . .fi . .SS "git fetch" . .nf $ git fetch mislav > git remote add mislav git://github\.com/mislav/REPO\.git > git fetch mislav $ git fetch mislav,xoebus > git remote add mislav \.\.\. > git remote add xoebus \.\.\. > git fetch \-\-multiple mislav xoebus . .fi . .SS "git cherry\-pick" . .nf $ git cherry\-pick http://github\.com/mislav/REPO/commit/SHA > git remote add \-f mislav git://github\.com/mislav/REPO\.git > git cherry\-pick SHA $ git cherry\-pick mislav@SHA > git remote add \-f mislav git://github\.com/mislav/CURRENT_REPO\.git > git cherry\-pick SHA $ git cherry\-pick mislav@SHA > git fetch mislav > git cherry\-pick SHA . .fi . .SS "git am" . .nf $ git am https://github\.com/defunkt/hub/pull/55 > curl https://github\.com/defunkt/hub/pull/55\.patch \-o /tmp/55\.patch > git am /tmp/55\.patch $ git am \-\-ignore\-whitespace https://github\.com/davidbalbert/hub/commit/fdb9921 > curl https://github\.com/davidbalbert/hub/commit/fdb9921\.patch \-o /tmp/fdb9921\.patch > git am \-\-ignore\-whitespace /tmp/fdb9921\.patch . .fi . .SS "git fork" . .nf $ git fork \.\.\. hardcore forking action \.\.\. > git remote add YOUR_USER git@github\.com:YOUR_USER/CURRENT_REPO\.git . .fi . .SS "git init" . .nf $ git init \-g > git init > git remote add origin git@github\.com:YOUR_USER/REPO\.git . .fi . .SS "git create" . .nf $ git create \.\.\. hardcore creating action \.\.\. > git remote add origin git@github\.com:YOUR_USER/CURRENT_REPO\.git . .fi . .SS "git push" . .nf $ git push origin,staging,qa bert_timeout > git push origin bert_timeout > git push staging bert_timeout > git push qa bert_timeout . .fi . .SS "git browse" . .nf $ git browse > open https://github\.com/YOUR_USER/CURRENT_REPO $ git browse \-\- issues > open https://github\.com/YOUR_USER/CURRENT_REPO/issues $ git browse schacon/ticgit > open https://github\.com/schacon/ticgit $ git browse resque > open https://github\.com/YOUR_USER/resque $ git browse resque network > open https://github\.com/YOUR_USER/resque/network . .fi . .SS "git compare" . .nf $ git compare refactor > open https://github\.com/CURRENT_REPO/compare/refactor $ git compare 1\.0\.\.\.1\.1 > open https://github\.com/CURRENT_REPO/compare/1\.0\.\.\.1\.1 $ git compare \-u fix > (https://github\.com/CURRENT_REPO/compare/fix) $ git compare other\-user patch > open https://github\.com/other\-user/REPO/compare/patch . .fi . .SS "git help" . .nf $ git help > (improved git help) $ git help hub > (hub man page) . .fi . .SH "BUGS" \fIhttp://github\.com/defunkt/hub/issues\fR . .SH "AUTHORS" \fIhttps://github\.com/defunkt/hub/contributors\fR . .SH "SEE ALSO" git(1), git\-clone(1), git\-remote(1), git\-init(1), \fIhttp://github\.com\fR, \fIhttp://github\.com/defunkt/hub\fR