#!/bin/bash # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. # A basically sane bash environment. # Tony Duckles (based on http://github.com/rtomayko/dotfiles) # short-circuit for non-interactive sessions [ -z "$PS1" ] && return # the basics PATH="/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:$PATH" : ${HOME=~} : ${LOGNAME=$(id -un)} : ${UNAME=$(uname)} # strip OS type and version under Cygwin (e.g. CYGWIN_NT-5.1 => Cygwin) UNAME=${UNAME/CYGWIN_*/Cygwin} # complete hostnames from this file HOSTFILE=~/.ssh/known_hosts # readline config INPUTRC=~/.inputrc # if current $TERM isn't valid, fall-back to TERM=xterm-color or TERM=xterm case $(tput colors 2>&1) in tput* ) export TERM=xterm-color case $(tput colors 2>&1) in tput* ) export TERM=xterm ;; esac ;; esac # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # SHELL OPTIONS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # bring in system bashrc test -r /etc/bashrc && . /etc/bashrc # notify of bg job completion immediately set -o notify # shell opts. see bash(1) for details shopt -s cdspell >/dev/null 2>&1 shopt -s extglob >/dev/null 2>&1 shopt -s histappend >/dev/null 2>&1 shopt -s hostcomplete >/dev/null 2>&1 shopt -s interactive_comments >/dev/null 2>&1 shopt -u mailwarn >/dev/null 2>&1 shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion >/dev/null 2>&1 # don't check for new mail unset MAILCHECK # disable core dumps ulimit -S -c 0 # default umask umask 0022 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PATH # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # we want the various sbin's on the path along with /usr/local/bin PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" # put /opt/csw/* on PATH if exists (OpenCSW Solaris packages) test -d "/opt/csw" && PATH="/opt/csw/sbin:/opt/csw/bin:$PATH" # ~/.rvm/bin on PATH if exists (RVM) test -d "$HOME/.rvm/bin" && PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin" # put ~/bin on PATH if exists test -d "$HOME/bin" && PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" # put ~/sbin on PATH if exists test -d "$HOME/sbin" && PATH="$HOME/sbin:$PATH" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ENVIRONMENT CONFIGURATION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # detect interactive shell case "$-" in *i*) INTERACTIVE=yes ;; *) unset INTERACTIVE ;; esac # detect login shell case "$0" in -*) LOGIN=yes ;; *) unset LOGIN ;; esac # setup locale. Try to enable en_US locale w/ utf-8 encodings # (if not already configured), but do graceful fall-back. lclist=$(locale -a | grep en_US) if test -n "$(echo $lclist | grep UTF-8)"; then : ${LANG:="en_US.UTF-8"} : ${LANGUAGE:="en"} : ${LC_CTYPE:="en_US.UTF-8"} : ${LC_ALL:="en_US.UTF-8"} elif test -n "$(echo $lclist | grep utf8)"; then : ${LANG:="en_US.utf8"} : ${LANGUAGE:="en"} : ${LC_CTYPE:="en_US.utf8"} : ${LC_ALL:="en_US.utf8"} elif test -n "$(echo $lclist | grep ISO8859-1)"; then : ${LANG:="en_US.ISO8859-1"} : ${LANGUAGE:="en"} : ${LC_CTYPE:="en_US.ISO8859-1"} : ${LC_ALL:="en_US.ISO8859-1"} else : ${LANG:="en_US"} : ${LANGUAGE:="en"} : ${LC_CTYPE:="en_US"} : ${LC_ALL:="en_US"} fi export LANG LANGUAGE LC_CTYPE LC_ALL unset lclist # ignore backups, CVS directories, python bytecode, vim swap files FIGNORE="~:CVS:#:.pyc:.swp:.swa:apache-solr-*" # history stuff HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth HISTFILESIZE=10000 HISTSIZE=10000 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PAGER / EDITOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # see what we have to work with ... HAVE_VIM=$(command -v vim) # EDITOR test -n "$HAVE_VIM" && EDITOR=vim || EDITOR=vi export EDITOR # PAGER if test -n "$(command -v less)" ; then PAGER="less" MANPAGER="less" LESS="-FiRX" export LESS else PAGER=more MANPAGER="$PAGER" fi export PAGER MANPAGER # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROMPT # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics if [ "$UID" = 0 ]; then # root PS_C1="\[\033[1;31m\]" # red PS_C2="\[\033[0;37m\]" # grey PS_P="#" else case "$UNAME" in Cygwin) PS_C1="\[\033[0;32m\]" # green PS_C2="\[\033[0;37m\]" # grey ;; Darwin) PS_C1="\[\033[1;97m\]" # white PS_C2="\[\033[0;37m\]" # grey ;; SunOS | AIX) PS_C1="\[\033[1;96m\]" # cyan PS_C2="\[\033[0;36m\]" # cyan ;; *) PS_C1="\[\033[1;93m\]" # yellow PS_C2="\[\033[0;33m\]" # brown esac PS_P="\$" fi prompt_simple() { unset PROMPT_COMMAND PS1="[\u@\h:\w]\$ " PS2="> " } prompt_compact() { unset PROMPT_COMMAND PS1="${PS_C1}${PS_P}\[\033[0m\] " PS2="> " } prompt_color() { # if git and the git bash_completion scripts are installed, use __git_ps1() to show current branch info. # never show branch info for $HOME (dotfiles) repo. # use the following to exclude a given repo: `git config --local --bool --add bash.hidePrompt true` if [ -n "$(type -P git)" -a "$(type -t __git_ps1)" = "function" ]; then PS_GIT='$(test -n "$(__git_ps1 %s)" && test "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" != "$HOME" && test "$(git config --bool bash.hidePrompt)" != "true" && __git_ps1 "{\[\033[0;40;36m\]%s\[\033[0;90m\]}")' export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=1 fi PS1="\[\033[0;90m\][${PS_C1}\u@\h\[\033[0m\]\[\033[0;90m\]:${PS_C2}\w\[\033[0;90m\]]${PS_GIT}${PS_P}\[\033[0m\] " PS2="> " } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # MACOS X / DARWIN SPECIFIC # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$UNAME" = Darwin ]; then # put ports on the paths if /opt/local exists test -x /opt/local -a ! -L /opt/local && { PORTS=/opt/local # setup the PATH and MANPATH PATH="$PORTS/bin:$PORTS/sbin:$PATH" MANPATH="$PORTS/share/man:$MANPATH" # nice little port alias alias port="sudo nice -n +18 $PORTS/bin/port" } # put coreutils on the paths if /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec exists test -x /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec -a ! -L /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec && { # setup the PATH and MANPATH PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" MANPATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnuman:$MANPATH" } fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ALIASES / FUNCTIONS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ls' helpers alias ll="ls -l" alias l.="ls -d .*" alias ll.="ls -ld .*" alias lla="ls -la" # use 'git diff --no-index' as a prettier 'diff' alternative (if available) test -n "$(type -P git)" && alias diff="git diff --no-index" # alias 'vi' to 'vim' if Vim is installed vim="$(type -P vim)" test -n "$vim" && { alias vi='vim' } unset vim # disk usage with human sizes and minimal depth alias du1='du -h --max-depth=1' alias fn='find . -name' alias hi='history | tail -20' # for Solaris, use GNU versions of core utils if [ "$UNAME" = SunOS ]; then test -x /usr/gnu/bin/grep && alias grep="/usr/gnu/bin/grep" test -x /usr/gnu/bin/sed && alias sed="/usr/gnu/bin/sed" test -x /usr/gnu/bin/awk && alias awk="/usr/gnu/bin/awk" fi # alias csh-style "rebash" to bash equivalent alias rehash="hash -r" # set 'screen' window title settitle() { printf "\033k%s\033\\" "$@" } # svn-wrapper alias svn=~/src/svn-wrapper/svn-wrapper.sh # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # BASH COMPLETION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- test -z "$BASH_COMPLETION" && { bash=${BASH_VERSION%.*}; bmajor=${bash%.*}; bminor=${bash#*.} test -n "$PS1" && test $bmajor -gt 1 && { # search for a bash_completion file to source for f in /usr/local/etc/bash_completion \ /usr/pkg/etc/bash_completion \ /opt/local/etc/bash_completion \ /etc/bash_completion do test -f $f && { . $f break } done } unset bash bmajor bminor } # override and disable tilde expansion _expand() { return 0 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # LS AND DIRCOLORS # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # we always pass these to ls(1) unset LS_COMMON # if the dircolors utility is available, set that up for ls dircolors="$(type -P gdircolors dircolors | head -1)" test -n "$dircolors" && { COLORS=/etc/DIR_COLORS test -e "/etc/DIR_COLORS.$TERM" && COLORS="/etc/DIR_COLORS.$TERM" test -e "$HOME/.dircolors" && COLORS="$HOME/.dircolors" test ! -e "$COLORS" && COLORS= # AIX (vx-track) has dircolors(1) but ls(1) doesn't support --color arg test "$UNAME" = "AIX" && COLORS= eval `$dircolors --sh $COLORS` } unset dircolors # enable color ls output if available test -n "$COLORS" && LS_COMMON="--color=auto $LS_COMMON" # setup the main ls alias if we've established common args test -n "$LS_COMMON" && alias ls="command ls $LS_COMMON" # setup color grep output if available if [ -n "$COLORS" ]; then case "$UNAME" in "SunOS") # for Solaris, use the GNU version of grep for color support test -x /usr/gnu/bin/grep && alias grep="/usr/gnu/bin/grep --color=always" ;; *) alias grep="command grep --color=always" ;; esac # older versions of grep only support a singular highlight color export GREP_COLOR='1;37;42' # newer versions of grep have more flexible color configuration export GREP_COLORS='fn=36:ln=1;33:ms=1;37;42' fi # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # MISC COMMANDS # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # push SSH public key to another box push_ssh_cert() { local _host test -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub || ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 for _host in "$@"; do echo $_host ssh $_host 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub done } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # PATH MANIPULATION FUNCTIONS # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Usage: pls [] # List path entries of PATH or environment variable . pls () { eval echo \$${1:-PATH} |tr : '\n'; } # Usage: pshift [-n ] [] # Shift entries off the front of PATH or environment var . # with the option. Useful: pshift $(pwd) pshift () { local n=1 [ "$1" = "-n" ] && { n=$(( $2 + 1 )); shift 2; } eval "${1:-PATH}='$(pls |tail -n +$n |tr '\n' :)'" } # Usage: ppop [-n ] [] # Pop entries off the end of PATH or environment variable . ppop () { local n=1 i=0 [ "$1" = "-n" ] && { n=$2; shift 2; } while [ $i -lt $n ] do eval "${1:-PATH}='\${${1:-PATH}%:*}'" i=$(( i + 1 )) done } # Usage: prm [] # Remove from PATH or environment variable . prm () { eval "${2:-PATH}='$(pls $2 |grep -v "^$1\$" |tr '\n' :)'"; } # Usage: punshift [] # Shift onto the beginning of PATH or environment variable . punshift () { eval "${2:-PATH}='$1:$(eval echo \$${2:-PATH})'"; } # Usage: ppush [] ppush () { eval "${2:-PATH}='$(eval echo \$${2:-PATH})':$1"; } # Usage: puniq [] # Remove duplicate entries from a PATH style value while retaining # the original order. Use PATH if no is given. # # Example: # $ puniq /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin # /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin puniq () { echo "$1" | tr : '\n' | nl | sort -u -k 2,2 | sort -n | cut -f 2- | tr '\n' : } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # USER SHELL ENVIRONMENT # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # source ~/.shenv now if it exists test -r ~/.shenv && . ~/.shenv # condense PATH entries PATH=$(puniq "$PATH") MANPATH=$(puniq "$MANPATH") # use the color prompt by default when interactive test -n "$PS1" && prompt_color # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # MOTD / FORTUNE # ------------------------------------------------------------------- test -n "$INTERACTIVE" -a -n "$LOGIN" && { # get current uname and uptime (if exists on this host) # strip any leading whitespace from uname and uptime commands t_uname="$(test -n "`type -P uname`" && uname -npsr | sed -e 's/^\s+//')" t_uptime="$(test -n "`type -P uptime`" && uptime | sed -e 's/^\s+//')" if [ -n "$t_uname" ] || [ -n "$t_uptime" ]; then echo " --" test -n "$t_uname" && echo $t_uname test -n "$t_uptime" && echo $t_uptime echo " --" fi unset t_uname t_uptime } # vim: ts=4 sts=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab