use warnings;
use strict;
-our $VERSION = '1.94';
+our $VERSION = '1.96';
# Check for updates
# These are all our globals.
How appropriate to have I<ack>nowledgements!
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to ack in any way, including
+Matthew Wild,
+Scott Kyle,
Nick Hooey,
Bo Borgerson,
Mark Szymanski,
-Copyright 2005-2010 Andy Lester.
+Copyright 2005-2011 Andy Lester.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License v2.0.
- $VERSION = '1.94';
- $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2005-2010 Andy Lester.';
+ $VERSION = '1.96';
+ $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2005-2011 Andy Lester.';
our $fh;
objcpp => [qw( mm h )],
ocaml => [qw( ml mli )],
parrot => [qw( pir pasm pmc ops pod pg tg )],
- perl => [qw( pl pm pod t )],
+ perl => [qw( pl pm pm6 pod t )],
php => [qw( php phpt php3 php4 php5 phtml)],
plone => [qw( pt cpt metadata cpy py )],
python => [qw( py )],
close $fh;
if ( $header =~ /^#!/ ) {
- return ($1,TEXT) if $header =~ /\b(ruby|p(?:erl|hp|ython))\b/;
+ return ($1,TEXT) if $header =~ /\b(ruby|lua|p(?:erl|hp|ython))-?(\d[\d.]*)?\b/;
return ('shell',TEXT) if $header =~ /\b(?:ba|t?c|k|z)?sh\b/;
else {
return if $filename =~ m{^#.*#$}o;
return if $filename =~ m{^core\.\d+$}o;
return if $filename =~ m{[._].*\.swp$}o;
+ return if $filename =~ /[.-]min\.js$/;
return 1;
Files not checked for type:
- /~\$/ - Unix backup files
- /#.+#\$/ - Emacs swap files
+ /~\$/ - Unix backup files
+ /#.+#\$/ - Emacs swap files
/[._].*\\.swp\$/ - Vi(m) swap files
- /core\\.\\d+\$/ - core dumps
+ /core\\.\\d+\$/ - core dumps
+ /[.-]min\\.js\$/ - Minified javascript files
--noenv Ignore environment variables and ~/.ackrc