]> Tony Duckles's Git Repositories (git.nynim.org) - dotfiles.git/shortlog
2013-02-03 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Add NERDTree config
2013-02-03 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Add NERDTree
2013-02-03 Tony Duckles.mintty/colors: Rename solarized-alt -> solarized-ansi
2013-01-31 Tony DucklesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-31 Tony Duckles.mintty/colors: More solarized-alt color tweaks
2013-01-31 Tony DucklesMerge remote branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-31 Tony Ducklesbin/colortable: Rewrite in bash, columns for background...
2013-01-28 Tony DucklesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-28 Tony Duckles.mintty/colors: Lighten solarized-alt background
2013-01-27 Tony Duckles.vim: pathogen.vim 2.2
2013-01-27 Tony Ducklesbin/colortable: Print a color table of ANSI colors...
2013-01-26 Tony Duckles.mintty: Move color-schemes to ~/.mintty/colors
2013-01-25 Tony DucklesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-25 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Add "settitle" function for setting screen...
2013-01-25 Tony Duckles.term_colorpalette: Slightly lighter brblack
2013-01-25 Tony Ducklesbin/git-subup: Better compatibility with older Git...
2013-01-25 Tony Ducklesbin/ipaddr: Support AIX
2013-01-25 Tony Duckles.screenrc: $TERM="screen"
2013-01-24 Tony DucklesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-24 Tony Duckles.vim: Update bundle submodules
2013-01-24 Tony Duckles.gitconfig: Update git-subup aliases
2013-01-24 Tony Ducklesbin/git-subup: Init child submodules, optionally pull
2013-01-21 Tony DucklesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-21 Tony Duckles.term_colorpalette: Tweak 'blue' and 'white' colors
2013-01-21 Tony Duckles.screenrc: Lower-contrast hardstatus colors and show...
2013-01-11 Tony DucklesMerge remote branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-11 Tony Ducklesbin/git-subup: Avoid detached HEAD
2013-01-11 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Add scriptease, update modules
2013-01-11 Tony Duckles.vimrc: +sidescrolloff=10, smarttab, +nnoremap Y
2013-01-07 Tony DucklesMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-07 Tony Duckles.vimrc: statusline tweaks
2013-01-06 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Color (highlight) tweaks
2013-01-05 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Lower-contrast "highlight StatusLine"
2013-01-05 Tony Ducklesbin/git-subup: Always checkout origin/HEAD
2013-01-05 Tony Duckles.vimrc: statusline tweaks
2013-01-05 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Custom statusline, lots of new helper mappings
2013-01-04 Tony Duckles.inputrc: Add some helper reminds in comments at top
2013-01-04 Tony Ducklesbin/git-cv: Be compatible with GNU "cut"
2013-01-03 Tony DucklesMerge remote branch 'origin/master' into epic
2013-01-03 Tony Duckles.ssh/config.epic: Better handling for non-fully-qualifi...
2013-01-03 Tony Ducklesbin/ipaddr: Size column based on max if-name length
2013-01-03 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Add brew coreutils to $PATH
2013-01-02 Tony Duckles.ssh/config.epic: Track ~/.ssh/config
2013-01-02 Tony Duckles.profile: Update PS1 format to mirror .bashrc
2013-01-01 Tony Duckles.ackrc: Include *.scss for type=css
2012-12-31 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Ignore errors during Pathogen init
2012-12-31 Tony DucklesMerge remote branch 'origin/master' into epic
2012-12-29 Tony Ducklesbin/ipaddr: Fix padding for UNAME=Linux
2012-12-29 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Use GNU awk on Solaris
2012-12-29 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Add ~/.rvm/bin to $PATH for RVM
2012-12-29 Tony Ducklespathogen.vim: Update c9fb89d..1b46b4f (https://github...
2012-12-29 Tony Ducklesbin/ipaddr: Helper utility for showing interface IP...
2012-12-27 Tony DucklesMerge branch 'master' into epic
2012-12-27 Tony Duckles.gitconfig: No limit on "git ll"
2012-12-26 Tony Ducklesbin/hub: hub version 1.10.3
2012-12-26 Tony Ducklesbin: Remove unused commands
2012-12-22 Tony Ducklesbin/git-up: Misc code clean-up
2012-12-22 Tony Duckles.gitconfig: Use 'status -sb', tweak color.branch.remote
2012-12-22 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Use __git_ps1() in $PS1
2012-12-22 Tony DucklesMerge branch 'master' into epic
2012-12-22 Tony Ducklesbin/git-subup: Use --prune for 'git pull'
2012-12-22 Tony Duckles.gitconfig: Clean-up aliases
2012-12-22 Tony Ducklesbin/git-up: Rewrite to support 'git fetch --all --prune'
2012-12-20 Tony DucklesMerge branch 'master' into epic
2012-12-20 Tony Duckles.bashrc: put ~/sbin in $PATH if it exists
2012-12-20 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Update vim bundle submodules
2012-12-20 Tony Duckles.gitconfig: push.default = matching
2012-12-14 Tony DucklesMerge branch 'master' into epic
2012-12-14 Tony Duckles.ackrc: Adding, define custom ack colors
2012-12-14 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Use grep --color=always and setup GREP_COLORS
2012-09-19 Tony DucklesMerge branch 'master' into epic
2012-09-19 Tony Duckles.screenrc: altscreen=on (alternate buffer)
2012-08-28 Tony DucklesDon't use $COLORS on AIX
2012-08-25 Tony Duckles.profile: ksh login script
2012-08-25 Tony DucklesKerberos handling for EPIC.COM
2012-08-04 Tony Duckles.bashrc: export LESS="-FiRX"
2012-08-03 Tony Duckles.vim: Update bundle submodules
2012-08-03 Tony Ducklesbin/git-subup: Force "git checkout master" foreach...
2012-08-03 Tony Duckles.dircolors: *.mp4
2012-08-03 Tony Duckles.bashrc: export LESS="-FiR"
2012-07-26 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Remove extraneous args from PAGER
2012-07-17 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Easier buffer navigation
2012-06-10 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Add more Command-T key-mappings
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.gitconfig: Add root,graph,di; update ll,lll
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Remove obsolete syntax/javascript file
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Move matchit to bundle
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Move mumps to bundle
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Add wildignore exclusions
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Add nmap's to quickly edit/reload vimrc
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add bundle: surround
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Remove bundle: nerdtree
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Cleanup pathogen init and misc cleanup
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add bundles: command-t, nerdtree, ack
2012-06-09 Tony DucklesAdd git-subup (submodule init and updating)
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vimrc: Misc key-mapping changes
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add vim bundles: gundo
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add vim bundles: fugitive, git, octopress, solarized
2012-05-04 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Quote-wrap $PATH/$MANPATH when calling puniq
2012-05-04 Tony Duckles.bashrc: Ensure PATH contains normal UNIX paths (for...
2012-05-04 Tony Ducklesgit-incoming and outgoing updates