#!/bin/bash # Compare the contents of two different SVN repositories. [ $# -eq 0 ] && { echo "usage: $0 [repo1] [repo2]" exit 1 } PWD=$(pwd) WC1="$PWD/_wc_tmp1" WC2="$PWD/_wc_tmp2" found_diff=0 # Create a working-copy for the reference repo # Note: We assume that the replay working-copy ("_wc_target") still exists from t*.sh rm -rf "$WC1" "$WC2" svn co -q $1 "$WC1" svn co -q $2 "$WC2" # Check if the final list of files is the same cd "$WC1" && FILES1=$(find . -type f | grep -v "\.svn" | sed 's/^\.\///') && cd "$PWD" cd "$WC2" && FILES2=$(find . -type f | grep -v "\.svn" | sed 's/^\.\///') && cd "$PWD" if [ "$FILES1" != "$FILES2" ]; then echo "Found file-list differences:" echo "$FILES1" > _files1.txt echo "$FILES2" > _files2.txt echo "<<< @A" echo ">>> @B" diff _files1.txt _files2.txt rm _files1.txt _files2.txt found_diff=1 fi # Check if the final file-contents is the same cd "$WC1" FILES=$(find . -type f | grep -v "\.svn") cd "$PWD" while read file; do fname=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/^\.\///') FILE1="$WC1/$fname" FILE2="$WC2/$fname" if [ -f "$FILE2" ]; then chksum1=$(md5sum "$FILE1" | cut -c1-32) chksum2=$(md5sum "$FILE2" | cut -c1-32) if [ "$chksum1" != "$chksum2" ]; then echo "Checksum mismatch: $fname" echo "<<< @A $fname $chksum1" echo ">>> @B $fname $chksum2" found_diff=1 fi else found_diff=1 fi done < <(echo "$FILES") # Clean-up rm -rf "$WC1" "$WC2" # If we found any differences, exit with an error-code [ "$found_diff" -eq 1 ] && exit 1 exit 0