""" Shell functions """ from . import ui from errors import ExternalCommandFailed import os import locale import time import shutil import stat import sys import traceback import re from datetime import datetime from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT try: import commands except ImportError: commands = None # Windows compatibility code by Bill Baxter if os.name == "nt": def find_program(name): """ Find the name of the program for Popen. Windows is finnicky about having the complete file name. Popen won't search the %PATH% for you automatically. (Adapted from ctypes.find_library) """ # See MSDN for the REAL search order. base, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if ext: exts = [ext] else: exts = ['.bat', '.exe'] for directory in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): for e in exts: fname = os.path.join(directory, base + e) if os.path.exists(fname): return fname return name else: def find_program(name): """ Find the name of the program for Popen. On Unix, popen isn't picky about having absolute paths. """ return name def _rmtree_error_handler(func, path, exc_info): """ Error handler for rmtree. Helps removing the read-only protection under Windows (and others?). Adapted from http://www.proaxis.com/~darkwing/hot-backup.py and http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/bazaar-ng/patch?id=4243 """ if func in (os.remove, os.rmdir) and os.path.exists(path): # Change from read-only to writeable os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE) func(path) else: # something else must be wrong... raise def rmtree(path): """ Wrapper around shutil.rmtree(), to provide more error-resistent behaviour. """ return shutil.rmtree(path, False, _rmtree_error_handler) locale_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() def get_encoding(): return locale_encoding def shell_quote(s): # No need to wrap "safe" strings in quotes if re.compile('^[A-Za-z0-9=-]+$').match(s): return s if os.name == "nt": q = '"' else: q = "'" return q + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + q def _run_raw_command(cmd, args, fail_if_stderr=False): cmd_string = "%s %s" % (cmd, " ".join(map(shell_quote, args))) color = 'BLUE_B' if cmd == 'svn' and args[0] in ['status', 'st', 'log', 'info', 'list', 'propset', 'update', 'up', 'cleanup', 'revert']: # Show status-only commands (commands which make no changes to WC) in dim-blue color = 'BLUE' ui.status("$ %s", cmd_string, level=ui.DEBUG, color=color) try: pipe = Popen([cmd] + args, executable=cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError: etype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] raise ExternalCommandFailed( "Failed running external program: %s\nError: %s" % (cmd_string, "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)))) out, err = pipe.communicate() if "nothing changed" == out.strip(): # skip this error return out if pipe.returncode != 0 or (fail_if_stderr and err.strip()): raise ExternalCommandFailed( "External program failed (return code %d): %s\n%s\n%s" % (pipe.returncode, cmd_string, err, out)) return out def _run_raw_shell_command(cmd): ui.status("* %s", cmd, level=ui.DEBUG) st, out = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if st != 0: raise ExternalCommandFailed( "External program failed with non-zero return code (%d): %s\n%s" % (st, cmd, out)) return out def run_command(cmd, args=None, bulk_args=None, encoding=None, fail_if_stderr=False): """ Run a command without using the shell. """ args = args or [] bulk_args = bulk_args or [] def _transform_arg(a): if isinstance(a, unicode): a = a.encode(encoding or locale_encoding or 'UTF-8') elif not isinstance(a, str): a = str(a) return a cmd = find_program(cmd) if not bulk_args: return _run_raw_command(cmd, map(_transform_arg, args), fail_if_stderr) # If one of bulk_args starts with a dash (e.g. '-foo.php'), # svn will take this as an option. Adding '--' ends the search for # further options. for a in bulk_args: if a.strip().startswith('-'): args.append("--") break max_args_num = 254 i = 0 out = "" while i < len(bulk_args): stop = i + max_args_num - len(args) sub_args = [] for a in bulk_args[i:stop]: sub_args.append(_transform_arg(a)) out += _run_raw_command(cmd, args + sub_args, fail_if_stderr) i = stop return out def run_shell_command(cmd, args=None, bulk_args=None, encoding=None): """ Run a shell command, properly quoting and encoding arguments. Probably only works on Un*x-like systems. """ def _quote_arg(a): if isinstance(a, unicode): a = a.encode(encoding or locale_encoding) elif not isinstance(a, str): a = str(a) return shell_quote(a) if args: cmd += " " + " ".join(_quote_arg(a) for a in args) max_args_num = 254 i = 0 out = "" if not bulk_args: return _run_raw_shell_command(cmd) while i < len(bulk_args): stop = i + max_args_num - len(args) sub_args = [] for a in bulk_args[i:stop]: sub_args.append(_quote_arg(a)) sub_cmd = cmd + " " + " ".join(sub_args) out += _run_raw_shell_command(sub_cmd) i = stop return out def run_svn(args=None, bulk_args=None, fail_if_stderr=False, mask_atsign=False): """ Run an SVN command, returns the (bytes) output. """ if mask_atsign: # The @ sign in Subversion revers to a pegged revision number. # SVN treats files with @ in the filename a bit special. # See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1985203 for idx in range(len(args)): if "@" in args[idx] and args[idx][0] not in ("-", '"'): args[idx] = "%s@" % args[idx] if bulk_args: for idx in range(len(bulk_args)): if ("@" in bulk_args[idx] and bulk_args[idx][0] not in ("-", '"')): bulk_args[idx] = "%s@" % bulk_args[idx] return run_command("svn", args=args, bulk_args=bulk_args, fail_if_stderr=fail_if_stderr) def skip_dirs(paths, basedir="."): """ Skip all directories from path list, including symbolic links to real dirs. """ # NOTE: both tests are necessary (Cameron Hutchison's patch for symbolic # links to directories) return [p for p in paths if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basedir, p)) or os.path.islink(os.path.join(basedir, p))] def get_script_name(): """Helper to return the name of the command line script that was called.""" return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])