#!/usr/bin/env python """ svn2svn.py Replicate (replay) changesets from one SVN repository to another: * Maintains full logical history (e.g. uses "svn copy" for renames). * Maintains original commit messages. * Cannot maintain original commit date, but appends original commit date for each commit message: "Date: %d". * Optionally maintain source author info. (Only supported if accessing target SVN repo via file://) * Optionally run an external shell script before each replayed commit to give the ability to dynamically exclude or modify files as part of the replay. License: GPLv2, the same as hgsvn. Author: Tony Duckles (https://github.com/tonyduckles/svn2svn) (This is a forked and modified verison of http://code.google.com/p/svn2svn/) """ import os import sys import time import locale import shutil import select import calendar import traceback from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from datetime import datetime from operator import itemgetter try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET except ImportError: try: import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: from elementtree import ElementTree as ET svn_log_args = ['log', '--xml'] svn_info_args = ['info', '--xml'] svn_checkout_args = ['checkout', '-q'] svn_status_args = ['status', '--xml', '-v', '--ignore-externals'] # Setup debug options debug = False debug_runsvn_timing = False # Display how long each "svn" OS command took to run? # Setup verbosity options runsvn_showcmd = False # Display every "svn" OS command we run? runsvn_showout = False # Display the stdout results from every "svn" OS command we run? svnlog_verbose = True # Display each action + changed-path as we walk the history? # define exception class class ExternalCommandFailed(RuntimeError): """ An external command failed. """ def display_error(message, raise_exception = True): """ Display error message, then terminate. """ print "Error:", message print if raise_exception: raise ExternalCommandFailed else: sys.exit(1) # Windows compatibility code by Bill Baxter if os.name == "nt": def find_program(name): """ Find the name of the program for Popen. Windows is finnicky about having the complete file name. Popen won't search the %PATH% for you automatically. (Adapted from ctypes.find_library) """ # See MSDN for the REAL search order. base, ext = os.path.splitext(name) if ext: exts = [ext] else: exts = ['.bat', '.exe'] for directory in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): for e in exts: fname = os.path.join(directory, base + e) if os.path.exists(fname): return fname return None else: def find_program(name): """ Find the name of the program for Popen. On Unix, popen isn't picky about having absolute paths. """ return name def shell_quote(s): if os.name == "nt": q = '"' else: q = "'" return q + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + q locale_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() def run_svn(args, fail_if_stderr=False, encoding="utf-8"): """ Run svn cmd in PIPE exit if svn cmd failed """ def _transform_arg(a): if isinstance(a, unicode): a = a.encode(encoding or locale_encoding) elif not isinstance(a, str): a = str(a) return a t_args = map(_transform_arg, args) cmd = find_program("svn") cmd_string = str(" ".join(map(shell_quote, [cmd] + t_args))) if runsvn_showcmd: print "$", "("+os.getcwd()+")", cmd_string if debug_runsvn_timing: time1 = time.time() pipe = Popen([cmd] + t_args, executable=cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = pipe.communicate() if debug_runsvn_timing: time2 = time.time() print "(" + str(round(time2-time1,4)) + " elapsed)" if out and runsvn_showout: print out if pipe.returncode != 0 or (fail_if_stderr and err.strip()): display_error("External program failed (return code %d): %s\n%s" % (pipe.returncode, cmd_string, err)) return out def svn_date_to_timestamp(svn_date): """ Parse an SVN date as read from the XML output and return the corresponding timestamp. """ # Strip microseconds and timezone (always UTC, hopefully) # XXX there are various ISO datetime parsing routines out there, # cf. http://seehuhn.de/comp/pdate date = svn_date.split('.', 2)[0] time_tuple = time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") return calendar.timegm(time_tuple) def parse_svn_info_xml(xml_string): """ Parse the XML output from an "svn info" command and extract useful information as a dict. """ d = {} tree = ET.fromstring(xml_string) entry = tree.find('.//entry') if entry: d['url'] = entry.find('url').text d['revision'] = int(entry.get('revision')) d['repos_url'] = tree.find('.//repository/root').text d['last_changed_rev'] = int(tree.find('.//commit').get('revision')) d['kind'] = entry.get('kind') return d def parse_svn_log_xml(xml_string): """ Parse the XML output from an "svn log" command and extract useful information as a list of dicts (one per log changeset). """ l = [] tree = ET.fromstring(xml_string) for entry in tree.findall('logentry'): d = {} d['revision'] = int(entry.get('revision')) # Some revisions don't have authors, most notably # the first revision in a repository. author = entry.find('author') d['author'] = author is not None and author.text or None d['date'] = svn_date_to_timestamp(entry.find('date').text) # Some revisions may have empty commit message message = entry.find('msg') message = message is not None and message.text is not None \ and message.text.strip() or "" # Replace DOS return '\r\n' and MacOS return '\r' with unix return '\n' d['message'] = message.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\n\r', '\n'). \ replace('\r', '\n') paths = [] for path in entry.findall('.//path'): copyfrom_rev = path.get('copyfrom-rev') if copyfrom_rev: copyfrom_rev = int(copyfrom_rev) paths.append({ 'path': path.text, 'kind': path.get('kind'), 'action': path.get('action'), 'copyfrom_path': path.get('copyfrom-path'), 'copyfrom_revision': copyfrom_rev, }) # Need to sort paths (i.e. into hierarchical order), so that process_svn_log_entry() # can process actions in depth-first order. d['changed_paths'] = sorted(paths, key=itemgetter('path')) l.append(d) return l def parse_svn_status_xml(xml_string, base_dir=None): """ Parse the XML output from an "svn status" command and extract useful info as a list of dicts (one per status entry). """ l = [] tree = ET.fromstring(xml_string) for entry in tree.findall('.//entry'): d = {} path = entry.get('path') if base_dir is not None: assert path.startswith(base_dir) path = path[len(base_dir):].lstrip('/\\') d['path'] = path wc_status = entry.find('wc-status') if wc_status.get('item') == 'external': d['type'] = 'external' elif wc_status.get('revision') is not None: d['type'] = 'normal' else: d['type'] = 'unversioned' l.append(d) return l def get_svn_info(svn_url_or_wc, rev_number=None): """ Get SVN information for the given URL or working copy, with an optionally specified revision number. Returns a dict as created by parse_svn_info_xml(). """ if rev_number is not None: args = [svn_url_or_wc + "@" + str(rev_number)] else: args = [svn_url_or_wc] xml_string = run_svn(svn_info_args + args, fail_if_stderr=True) return parse_svn_info_xml(xml_string) def svn_checkout(svn_url, checkout_dir, rev_number=None): """ Checkout the given URL at an optional revision number. """ args = [] if rev_number is not None: args += ['-r', rev_number] args += [svn_url, checkout_dir] return run_svn(svn_checkout_args + args) def run_svn_log(svn_url_or_wc, rev_start, rev_end, limit, stop_on_copy=False, get_changed_paths=True): """ Fetch up to 'limit' SVN log entries between the given revisions. """ if stop_on_copy: args = ['--stop-on-copy'] else: args = [] url = str(svn_url_or_wc) if rev_start != 'HEAD' and rev_end != 'HEAD': args += ['-r', '%s:%s' % (rev_start, rev_end)] if not "@" in svn_url_or_wc: url += "@" + str(max(rev_start, rev_end)) if get_changed_paths: args += ['-v'] args += ['--limit', str(limit), url] xml_string = run_svn(svn_log_args + args) return parse_svn_log_xml(xml_string) def get_svn_status(svn_wc, flags=None): """ Get SVN status information about the given working copy. """ # Ensure proper stripping by canonicalizing the path svn_wc = os.path.abspath(svn_wc) args = [] if flags: args += [flags] args += [svn_wc] xml_string = run_svn(svn_status_args + args) return parse_svn_status_xml(xml_string, svn_wc) def get_one_svn_log_entry(svn_url, rev_start, rev_end, stop_on_copy=False, get_changed_paths=True): """ Get the first SVN log entry in the requested revision range. """ entries = run_svn_log(svn_url, rev_start, rev_end, 1, stop_on_copy, get_changed_paths) if not entries: display_error("No SVN log for %s between revisions %s and %s" % (svn_url, rev_start, rev_end)) return entries[0] def get_first_svn_log_entry(svn_url, rev_start, rev_end, get_changed_paths=True): """ Get the first log entry after/at the given revision number in an SVN branch. By default the revision number is set to 0, which will give you the log entry corresponding to the branch creaction. NOTE: to know whether the branch creation corresponds to an SVN import or a copy from another branch, inspect elements of the 'changed_paths' entry in the returned dictionary. """ return get_one_svn_log_entry(svn_url, rev_start, rev_end, stop_on_copy=True, get_changed_paths=True) def get_last_svn_log_entry(svn_url, rev_start, rev_end, get_changed_paths=True): """ Get the last log entry before/at the given revision number in an SVN branch. By default the revision number is set to HEAD, which will give you the log entry corresponding to the latest commit in branch. """ return get_one_svn_log_entry(svn_url, rev_end, rev_start, stop_on_copy=True, get_changed_paths=True) log_duration_threshold = 10.0 log_min_chunk_length = 10 def iter_svn_log_entries(svn_url, first_rev, last_rev): """ Iterate over SVN log entries between first_rev and last_rev. This function features chunked log fetching so that it isn't too nasty to the SVN server if many entries are requested. """ cur_rev = first_rev chunk_length = log_min_chunk_length chunk_interval_factor = 1.0 while last_rev == "HEAD" or cur_rev <= last_rev: start_t = time.time() stop_rev = min(last_rev, cur_rev + int(chunk_length * chunk_interval_factor)) entries = run_svn_log(svn_url, cur_rev, stop_rev, chunk_length) duration = time.time() - start_t if not entries: if stop_rev == last_rev: break cur_rev = stop_rev + 1 chunk_interval_factor *= 2.0 continue for e in entries: yield e cur_rev = e['revision'] + 1 # Adapt chunk length based on measured request duration if duration < log_duration_threshold: chunk_length = int(chunk_length * 2.0) elif duration > log_duration_threshold * 2: chunk_length = max(log_min_chunk_length, int(chunk_length / 2.0)) def commit_from_svn_log_entry(entry, files=None, keep_author=False): """ Given an SVN log entry and an optional sequence of files, do an svn commit. """ # TODO: Run optional external shell hook here, for doing pre-commit filtering # This will use the local timezone for displaying commit times timestamp = int(entry['date']) svn_date = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)) # Uncomment this one one if you prefer UTC commit times #svn_date = "%d 0" % timestamp if keep_author: options = ["ci", "--force-log", "-m", entry['message'] + "\nDate: " + svn_date, "--username", entry['author']] else: options = ["ci", "--force-log", "-m", entry['message'] + "\nDate: " + svn_date + "\nAuthor: " + entry['author']] if files: options += list(files) print "(Committing source rev #"+str(entry['revision'])+"...)" run_svn(options) def in_svn(p): """ Check if a given file/folder is being tracked by Subversion. Prior to SVN 1.6, we could "cheat" and look for the existence of ".svn" directories. With SVN 1.7 and beyond, WC-NG means only a single top-level ".svn" at the root of the working-copy. Use "svn status" to check the status of the file/folder. """ # TODO: Is there a better way to do this? entries = get_svn_status(p) if not entries: return False d = entries[0] return (d['type'] == 'normal') def find_svn_ancestors(source_repos_url, source_base, source_offset, copyfrom_path, copyfrom_rev): """ Given a copy-from path (copyfrom_path), walk the SVN history backwards to inspect the ancestory of that path. Build a collection of copyfrom_path+revision pairs for each of the branch-copies since the initial branch-creation. If we find a copyfrom_path which source_base is a substring match of (e.g. we crawled back to the initial branch-copy from trunk), then return the collection of ancestor paths. Otherwise, copyfrom_path has no ancestory compared to source_base. This is useful when comparing "trunk" vs. "branch" paths, to handle cases where a file/folder was renamed in a branch and then that branch was merged back to trunk. PARAMETERS: * source_repos_url = Full URL to root of repository, e.g. 'file:///path/to/repos' * source_base = e.g. '/trunk' * source_offset = e.g. 'projectA/file1.txt' * copyfrom_path = e.g. '/branches/bug123/projectA/file1.txt' """ done = False working_path = copyfrom_path working_base = copyfrom_path[:-len(source_offset)].rstrip('/') working_offset = source_offset.strip('/') working_rev = copyfrom_rev ancestors = [{'path': [working_base, working_offset], 'revision': working_rev}] while not done: # Get the first "svn log" entry for this path (relative to @rev) #working_path = working_base + "/" + working_offset if debug: print ">> find_svn_ancestors: " + source_repos_url + working_path + "@" + str(working_rev) + \ " (" + working_base + " " + working_offset + ")" log_entry = get_first_svn_log_entry(source_repos_url + working_path + "@" + str(working_rev), 1, str(working_rev), True) if not log_entry: done = True # Find the action for our working_path in this revision for d in log_entry['changed_paths']: path = d['path'] if not path in working_path: continue # Check action-type for this file action = d['action'] if action not in 'MARD': display_error("In SVN rev. %d: action '%s' not supported. \ Please report a bug!" % (log_entry['revision'], action)) if debug: debug_desc = ": " + action + " " + path if d['copyfrom_path']: debug_desc += " (from " + d['copyfrom_path'] + "@" + str(d['copyfrom_revision']) + ")" print debug_desc if action == 'R': # If file/folder was replaced, it has no ancestor return [] if action == 'D': # If file/folder was deleted, it has no ancestor return [] if action == 'A': # If file/folder was added but not a copy, it has no ancestor if not d['copyfrom_path']: return [] # Else, file/folder was added and is a copy, so check ancestors path_old = d['copyfrom_path'] working_path = working_path.replace(path, path_old) if working_base in working_path: # If the new and old working_path share the same working_base, just need to update working_offset. working_offset = working_path[len(working_base)+1:] else: # Else, assume that working_base has changed but working_offset is the same, e.g. a re-branch. # TODO: Is this a safe assumption?! working_base = working_path[:-len(working_offset)].rstrip('/') working_rev = d['copyfrom_revision'] if debug: print ">> find_svn_ancestors: copy-from: " + working_base + " " + working_offset + "@" + str(working_rev) ancestors.append({'path': [working_base, working_offset], 'revision': working_rev}) # If we found a copy-from case which matches our source_base, we're done if (path_old == source_base) or (path_old.startswith(source_base + "/")): return ancestors # Else, follow the copy and keep on searching break return None def replay_svn_ancestors(ancestors, source_repos_url, source_url, target_url): """ Given an array of ancestor info (find_svn_ancestors), replay the history to correctly track renames ("svn copy/move") across branch-merges. For example, consider a sequence of events like this: 1. svn copy /trunk /branches/fix1 2. (Make some changes on /branches/fix1) 3. svn copy /branches/fix1/Proj1 /branches/fix1/Proj2 " Rename folder 4. svn copy /branches/fix1/Proj2/file1.txt /branches/fix1/Proj2/file2.txt " Rename file inside renamed folder 5. svn co /trunk && svn merge /branches/fix1 After the merge and commit, "svn log -v" with show a delete of /trunk/Proj1 and and add of /trunk/Proj2 comp-from /branches/fix1/Proj2. If we were just to do a straight "svn export+add" based on the /branches/fix1/Proj2 folder, we'd lose the logical history that Proj2/file2.txt is really a descendant of Proj1/file1.txt. 'source_repos_url' is the full URL to the root of the source repository. 'ancestors' is the array returned by find_svn_ancestors() with the final destination info appended to it by process_svn_log_entry(). 'dest_path' """ # Ignore ancestors[0], which is the original (pre-branch-copy) trunk path # Ignore ancestors[1], which is the original branch-creation commit # Ignore ancestors[n], which is the final commit back to trunk for idx in range(1, len(ancestors)-1): ancestor = ancestors[idx] source_base = ancestor['path'][0] source_offset = ancestor['path'][1] source_path = source_base + "/" + source_offset source_rev = ancestor['revision'] source_rev_next = ancestors[idx+1]['revision'] # Do a "svn log" on the _parent_ directory of source_path, since trying to get log info # for the "old path" on the revision where the copy/move happened will fail. if "/" in source_path: p_source_path = source_path[:source_path.rindex('/')] else: p_source_path = "" if debug: print ">> replay_svn_ancestors: ["+str(idx)+"]" + source_path+"@"+str(source_rev) + " ["+p_source_path+"@"+str(source_rev)+":"+str(source_rev_next-1)+"]" it_log_entries = iter_svn_log_entries(source_repos_url+p_source_path, source_rev, source_rev_next-1) for log_entry in it_log_entries: #print ">> replay_svn_ancestors: log_entry: (" + source_repos_url+source_base + ")" #print log_entry # TODO: Hit a problem case with a rename-situation where the "remove" was committed ahead of the "add (copy)". # Do we maybe need to buffer all the remove's until the end of the entire replay session? # Or can we maybe work around this by passing an explicit rev # into "svn copy"? process_svn_log_entry(log_entry, source_repos_url, source_repos_url+source_base, target_url) def process_svn_log_entry(log_entry, source_repos_url, source_url, target_url): """ Process SVN changes from the given log entry. Returns array of all the paths in the working-copy that were changed, i.e. the paths which need to be "svn commit". 'log_entry' is the array structure built by parse_svn_log_xml(). 'source_repos_url' is the full URL to the root of the source repository. 'source_url' is the full URL to the source path in the source repository. 'target_url' is the full URL to the target path in the target repository. """ # Get the relative offset of source_url based on source_repos_url, e.g. u'/branches/bug123' source_base = source_url[len(source_repos_url):] if debug: print ">> process_svn_log_entry: " + source_url + " (" + source_base + ")" svn_rev = log_entry['revision'] # Get current target revision, for "svn copy" support dup_info = get_svn_info(target_url) dup_rev = dup_info['revision'] removed_paths = [] modified_paths = [] unrelated_paths = [] commit_paths = [] for d in log_entry['changed_paths']: # Get the full path for this changed_path # e.g. u'/branches/bug123/projectA/file1.txt' path = d['path'] if not path.startswith(source_base + "/"): # Ignore changed files that are not part of this subdir if path != source_base: print ">> process_svn_log_entry: Unrelated path: " + path + " (" + source_base + ")" unrelated_paths.append(path) continue # Calculate the offset (based on source_base) for this changed_path # e.g. u'projectA/file1.txt' # (path = source_base + "/" + path_offset) path_offset = path[len(source_base):].strip("/") # Get the action for this path action = d['action'] if action not in 'MARD': display_error("In SVN rev. %d: action '%s' not supported. \ Please report a bug!" % (svn_rev, action)) # Try to be efficient and keep track of an explicit list of paths in the # working copy that changed. If we commit from the root of the working copy, # then SVN needs to crawl the entire working copy looking for pending changes. # But, if we gather too many paths to commit, then we wipe commit_paths below # and end-up doing a commit at the root of the working-copy. if len (commit_paths) < 100: commit_paths.append(path_offset) # Special-handling for replace's is_replace = False if action == 'R': if svnlog_verbose: msg = " " + action + " " + d['path'] if d['copyfrom_path']: msg += " (from " + d['copyfrom_path'] + "@" + str(d['copyfrom_revision']) + ")" print msg # If file was "replaced" (deleted then re-added, all in same revision), # then we need to run the "svn rm" first, then change action='A'. This # lets the normal code below handle re-"svn add"'ing the files. This # should replicate the "replace". run_svn(["up", path_offset]) run_svn(["remove", "--force", path_offset]) action = 'A' is_replace = True # Handle all the various action-types # (Handle "add" first, for "svn copy/move" support) if action == 'A': if svnlog_verbose: msg = " " + action + " " + d['path'] if d['copyfrom_path']: msg += " (from " + d['copyfrom_path'] + "@" + str(d['copyfrom_revision']) + ")" print msg # Determine where to export from copyfrom_rev = svn_rev copyfrom_path = path svn_copy = False # Handle cases where this "add" was a copy from another URL in the source repos if d['copyfrom_revision']: copyfrom_rev = d['copyfrom_revision'] copyfrom_path = d['copyfrom_path'] if debug: print ">> process_svn_log_entry: copy-to: " + source_base + " " + path_offset if source_base in copyfrom_path: # If the copy-from path is inside the current working-copy, no need to check ancestry. ancestors = [] copyfrom_path = copyfrom_path[len(source_base):].strip("/") if debug: print ">> process_svn_log_entry: Found copy: " + copyfrom_path+"@"+str(copyfrom_rev) svn_copy = True else: ancestors = find_svn_ancestors(source_repos_url, source_base, path_offset, copyfrom_path, copyfrom_rev) if ancestors: # Reverse the list, so that we loop in chronological order ancestors.reverse() # Append the current revision ancestors.append({'path': [source_base, path_offset], 'revision': svn_rev}) # ancestors[0] is the original (pre-branch-copy) trunk path. # ancestors[1] is the first commit on the new branch. copyfrom_rev = ancestors[0]['revision'] copyfrom_base = ancestors[0]['path'][0] copyfrom_offset = ancestors[0]['path'][1] copyfrom_path = copyfrom_base + copyfrom_offset if debug: print ">> process_svn_log_entry: FOUND PARENT:" for idx in range(0,len(ancestors)): ancestor = ancestors[idx] print " ["+str(idx)+"] " + ancestor['path'][0]+" "+ancestor['path'][1]+"@"+str(ancestor['revision']) #print ">> process_svn_log_entry: copyfrom_path (before): " + copyfrom_path + " source_base: " + source_base + " p: " + p copyfrom_path = copyfrom_path[len(source_base):].strip("/") #print ">> process_svn_log_entry: copyfrom_path (after): " + copyfrom_path svn_copy = True # If this add was a copy-from, do a smart replay of the ancestors' history. if svn_copy: if debug: print ">> process_svn_log_entry: svn_copy: copy-from: " + copyfrom_path+"@"+str(copyfrom_rev) + " source_base: "+source_base + " len(ancestors): " + str(len(ancestors)) # If we don't have any ancestors, then this is just a straight "svn copy" in the current working-copy. if not ancestors: # ...but not if the target is already tracked, because this might run several times for the same path. # TODO: Is there a better way to avoid recusion bugs? Maybe a collection of processed paths? if not in_svn(path_offset): if os.path.exists(copyfrom_path): # If the copyfrom_path exists in the working-copy, do a local copy run_svn(["copy", copyfrom_path, path_offset]) else: run_svn(["copy", "-r", dup_rev, target_url+"/"+copyfrom_path+"@"+str(dup_rev), path_offset]) else: if d['kind'] == 'dir': # Replay any actions which happened to this folder from the ancestor path(s). replay_svn_ancestors(ancestors, source_repos_url, source_url, target_url) else: # Just do a straight "svn copy" for files. There isn't any kind of "dependent" # history we might need to replay like for folders. # TODO: Is this logic really correct? Doing a WC vs URL "svn copy" based on existence # of *source* location seems a bit kludgy. Should there be a running list of # renames during replay_svn_ancestors >> process_svn_log_entry? if os.path.exists(copyfrom_path): # If the copyfrom_path exists in the working-copy, do a local copy run_svn(["copy", copyfrom_path, path_offset]) else: # Else, could be a situation where replay_svn_ancestors() is replaying branch # history and a copy was committed across two revisions: first the deletion # followed by the later add. In such a case, we need to copy from HEAD (dup_rev) # of the path in *target_url* run_svn(["copy", "-r", dup_rev, target_url+"/"+copyfrom_path+"@"+str(dup_rev), path_offset]) # Else just copy/export the files from the source repo and "svn add" them. else: # Create (parent) directory if needed if d['kind'] == 'dir': p_path = path_offset else: p_path = os.path.dirname(path_offset).strip() or '.' if not os.path.exists(p_path): os.makedirs(p_path) # Export the entire added tree. run_svn(["export", "--force", "-r", str(copyfrom_rev), source_repos_url + copyfrom_path + "@" + str(copyfrom_rev), path_offset]) # TODO: The "no in_svn" condition here is wrong for replace cases. # Added the in_svn condition here originally since "svn export" is recursive # but "svn log" will have an entry for each indiv file, hence we run into a # cannot-re-add-file-which-is-already-added issue. if (not in_svn(path_offset)) or (is_replace): run_svn(["add", "--parents", path_offset]) # TODO: Need to copy SVN properties from source repos elif action == 'D': # Queue "svn remove" commands, to allow the action == 'A' handling the opportunity # to do smart "svn copy" handling on copy/move/renames. removed_paths.append(path_offset) elif action == 'R': # TODO display_error("Internal Error: Handling for action='R' not implemented yet.") elif action == 'M': modified_paths.append(path_offset) else: display_error("Internal Error: pull_svn_rev: Unhandled 'action' value: '" + action + "'") if removed_paths: for r in removed_paths: if svnlog_verbose: print " D " + r # TODO: Is the "svn up" here needed? run_svn(["up", r]) run_svn(["remove", "--force", r]) if modified_paths: for m in modified_paths: if svnlog_verbose: print " M " + m # TODO: Is the "svn up" here needed? run_svn(["up", m]) m_url = source_url + "/" + m out = run_svn(["merge", "-c", str(svn_rev), "--non-recursive", "--non-interactive", "--accept=theirs-full", m_url+"@"+str(svn_rev), m]) if unrelated_paths: print "Unrelated paths: (vs. '" + source_base + "')" print "*", unrelated_paths return commit_paths def pull_svn_rev(log_entry, source_repos_url, source_url, target_url, keep_author=False): """ Pull SVN changes from the given log entry. Returns the new SVN revision. If an exception occurs, it will rollback to revision 'svn_rev - 1'. """ ## Get the relative offset of source_url based on source_repos_url, e.g. u'/branches/bug123' #source_base = source_url[len(source_repos_url):] svn_rev = log_entry['revision'] print "\n(Starting source rev #"+str(svn_rev)+":)" print "r"+str(log_entry['revision']) + " | " + \ log_entry['author'] + " | " + \ str(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(log_entry['date'])).isoformat(' ')) print log_entry['message'] print "------------------------------------------------------------------------" commit_paths = process_svn_log_entry(log_entry, source_repos_url, source_url, target_url) # If we had too many individual paths to commit, wipe the list and just commit at # the root of the working copy. if len (commit_paths) > 99: commit_paths = [] # TODO: Use SVN properties to track source URL + rev in the target repo? # This would provide a more reliable resume-support try: commit_from_svn_log_entry(log_entry, commit_paths, keep_author=keep_author) except ExternalCommandFailed: # try to ignore the Properties conflicts on files and dirs # use the copy from original_wc # TODO: Need to re-work this? #has_Conflict = False #for d in log_entry['changed_paths']: # p = d['path'] # p = p[len(source_base):].strip("/") # if os.path.isfile(p): # if os.path.isfile(p + ".prej"): # has_Conflict = True # shutil.copy(original_wc + os.sep + p, p) # p2=os.sep + p.replace('_', '__').replace('/', '_') \ # + ".prej-" + str(svn_rev) # shutil.move(p + ".prej", os.path.dirname(original_wc) + p2) # w="\n### Properties conflicts ignored:" # print "%s %s, in revision: %s\n" % (w, p, svn_rev) # elif os.path.isdir(p): # if os.path.isfile(p + os.sep + "dir_conflicts.prej"): # has_Conflict = True # p2=os.sep + p.replace('_', '__').replace('/', '_') \ # + "_dir__conflicts.prej-" + str(svn_rev) # shutil.move(p + os.sep + "dir_conflicts.prej", # os.path.dirname(original_wc) + p2) # w="\n### Properties conflicts ignored:" # print "%s %s, in revision: %s\n" % (w, p, svn_rev) # out = run_svn(["propget", "svn:ignore", # original_wc + os.sep + p]) # if out: # run_svn(["propset", "svn:ignore", out.strip(), p]) # out = run_svn(["propget", "svn:externel", # original_wc + os.sep + p]) # if out: # run_svn(["propset", "svn:external", out.strip(), p]) ## try again #if has_Conflict: # commit_from_svn_log_entry(log_entry, commit_paths, keep_author=keep_author) #else: raise ExternalCommandFailed print "(Finished source rev #"+str(svn_rev)+")" def main(): usage = "Usage: %prog [-a] [-c] [-r SVN rev] " parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-a", "--keep-author", action="store_true", dest="keep_author", help="Keep revision Author or not") parser.add_option("-c", "--continue-from-break", action="store_true", dest="cont_from_break", help="Continue from previous break") parser.add_option("-r", "--svn-rev", type="int", dest="svn_rev", help="SVN revision to checkout from") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: display_error("incorrect number of arguments\n\nTry: svn2svn.py --help", False) source_url = args.pop(0).rstrip("/") target_url = args.pop(0).rstrip("/") if options.keep_author: keep_author = True else: keep_author = False # Find the greatest_rev in the source repo svn_info = get_svn_info(source_url) greatest_rev = svn_info['revision'] dup_wc = "_dup_wc" # if old working copy does not exist, disable continue mode # TODO: Better continue support. Maybe include source repo's rev # in target commit info? if not os.path.exists(dup_wc): options.cont_from_break = False if not options.cont_from_break: # Warn if Target SVN URL existed cmd = find_program("svn") pipe = Popen([cmd] + ["list"] + [target_url], executable=cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = pipe.communicate() if pipe.returncode == 0: print "Target SVN URL: %s existed!" % target_url if out: print out print "Press 'Enter' to Continue, 'Ctrl + C' to Cancel..." print "(Timeout in 5 seconds)" rfds, wfds, efds = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 5) # Get log entry for the SVN revision we will check out if options.svn_rev: # If specify a rev, get log entry just before or at rev svn_start_log = get_last_svn_log_entry(source_url, 1, options.svn_rev, False) else: # Otherwise, get log entry of branch creation # TODO: This call is *very* expensive on a repo with lots of revisions. # Even though the call is passing --limit 1, it seems like that limit-filter # is happening after SVN has fetched the full log history. svn_start_log = get_first_svn_log_entry(source_url, 1, greatest_rev, False) # This is the revision we will start from for source_url svn_rev = svn_start_log['revision'] # Check out a working copy of target_url dup_wc = os.path.abspath(dup_wc) if os.path.exists(dup_wc): shutil.rmtree(dup_wc) svn_checkout(target_url, dup_wc) os.chdir(dup_wc) # For the initial commit to the target URL, export all the contents from # the source URL at the start-revision. paths = run_svn(["list", "-r", str(svn_rev), source_url+"@"+str(svn_rev)]) paths = paths.strip("\n").split("\n") for path in paths: if not path: # Skip null lines break # Directories have a trailing slash in the "svn list" output if path[-1] == "/": path=path.rstrip('/') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) run_svn(["export", "--force", "-r" , str(svn_rev), source_url+"/"+path+"@"+str(svn_rev), path]) run_svn(["add", path]) commit_from_svn_log_entry(svn_start_log, [], keep_author) else: dup_wc = os.path.abspath(dup_wc) os.chdir(dup_wc) # TODO: Need better resume support. For the time being, expect caller explictly passes in resume revision. svn_rev = options.svn_rev if svn_rev < 1: display_error("Invalid arguments\n\nNeed to pass result rev # (-r) when using continue-mode (-c)", False) # Get SVN info svn_info = get_svn_info(source_url) # Get the base URL for the source repos, e.g. u'svn://svn.example.com/svn/repo' source_repos_url = svn_info['repos_url'] # Load SVN log starting from svn_rev + 1 it_log_entries = iter_svn_log_entries(source_url, svn_rev + 1, greatest_rev) try: for log_entry in it_log_entries: # Replay this revision from source_url into target_url pull_svn_rev(log_entry, source_repos_url, source_url, target_url, keep_author) # Update our target working-copy, to ensure everything says it's at the new HEAD revision run_svn(["up", dup_wc]) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nStopped by user." run_svn(["cleanup"]) run_svn(["revert", "--recursive", "."]) except: print "\nCommand failed with following error:\n" traceback.print_exc() run_svn(["cleanup"]) run_svn(["revert", "--recursive", "."]) finally: run_svn(["up"]) print "\nFinished!" if __name__ == "__main__": main() # vim:sts=4:sw=4: