""" Exception sub-hierarchy: RuntimeError +-- ExternalCommandFailed +-- CommitCancelled +-- HgSVNError +-- UnsupportedSVNFeature | +-- OverwrittenSVNBranch | +-- UnsupportedSVNAction +-- SVNOutputError +-- EmptySVNLog """ class ExternalCommandFailed(RuntimeError): """ An external command failed. """ class HgSVNError(RuntimeError): """ A generic hgsvn error. """ class UnsupportedSVNFeature(HgSVNError): """ An unsuppported SVN (mis)feature. """ class OverwrittenSVNBranch(UnsupportedSVNFeature): """ The current SVN branch was overwritten with another one. """ class UnsupportedSVNAction(UnsupportedSVNFeature): """ An unknown/unsupported SVN action in an SVN log entry. """ class SVNOutputError(HgSVNError): """ A generic error with the output of an SVN command. """ class EmptySVNLog(SVNOutputError): """ An empty SVN log entry. """