# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """User interface functions.""" import os import sys try: # First try to import the Mercurial implementation. import mercurial.ui if getattr(mercurial.ui.ui(), 'termwidth', False): termwidth = mercurial.ui.ui().termwidth else: from mercurial.util import termwidth except ImportError: # Fallback to local copy of Mercurial's implementation. def termwidth(): if 'COLUMNS' in os.environ: try: return int(os.environ['COLUMNS']) except ValueError: pass try: import termios, array, fcntl for dev in (sys.stdout, sys.stdin): try: fd = dev.fileno() if not os.isatty(fd): continue arri = fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '\0' * 8) return array.array('h', arri)[1] except ValueError: pass except ImportError: pass return 80 # Log levels ERROR = 0 DEFAULT = 10 VERBOSE = 20 DEBUG = 30 # Configuration _level = DEFAULT def status(msg, *args, **kwargs): """Write a status message. args are treated as substitutions for msg. The following keyword arguments are allowed: level : One of DEFAULT, VERBOSE or DEBUG. linebreak: If True a new line is appended to msg (default: True). truncate : Truncate output if larger then term width (default: True). """ global _level level = kwargs.get('level', DEFAULT) if level > _level: return width = termwidth() if args: msg = msg % args if kwargs.get('linebreak', True): msg = '%s%s' % (msg, os.linesep) if level == ERROR: stream = sys.stderr else: stream = sys.stdout if kwargs.get('truncate', True) and level != ERROR: add_newline = msg.endswith('\n') msglines = msg.splitlines() for no, line in enumerate(msglines): if len(line) > width: msglines[no] = line[:width-3]+"..." msg = os.linesep.join(msglines) if add_newline: msg = '%s%s' % (msg, os.linesep) if isinstance(msg, unicode): msg = msg.encode('utf-8') stream.write(msg) stream.flush() def update_config(options): """Update UI configuration.""" global _level _level = options.verbosity