]> Tony Duckles's Git Repositories (git.nynim.org) - userstyles.git/blob - delicious_vibes.css
gmail: Initial commit (remove ads)
[userstyles.git] / delicious_vibes.css
1 /*
2 skin name : "delicious vibes" (del.icio.us with netvibes look) version 0.2
3 author: oron mizrachi (blog isn't up yet - so mail_me@nana.co.il)
4 website: http://netcraft.co.il/Website/en/
5 the why: readability! del.icio.us is a great service but i can't seem to scan as fast as I'm use to. that's a problem for me. plus, it was a cool experiment with more advanced css rules.
6 the how: i decided i work around it by bringing the "netvibes" experience into del.icio.us with only css
7 todos: homepage redesign and improvements, also a greasemonkey version.
8 please send detailed reports concerning display bugs.
9 all rights reserved - netvibes.com and del.icio.us.
10 */
12 @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);
14 @-moz-document url-prefix('http://del.icio.us/') {
16 HTML {
17 background:url("http://www.netvibes.com/themes/classic/img/bg.gif") !important ;
18 }
19 BODY {
20 background:url("http://www.netvibes.com/themes/classic/img/bg.gif") !important ;
21 }
22 #header {background:url("http://www.netvibes.com/themes/classic/img/top.jpg") no-repeat top !important;
23 padding: 20px 20px 25px !important;
24 }
25 #header-mini {
26 background:url("http://www.netvibes.com/themes/classic/img/top.jpg") no-repeat top !important;
27 padding: 10px 20px 10px !important;
28 }
29 #header-mini H1 {
30 color: #1C60B7;
31 }
32 #header-l {
33 background-image: url("http://www40.brinkster.com/oronm/oronm.gif") !important;
34 padding-left: 42px !important;
35 }
36 #infobar {
37 background: none !important;
38 border: none !important;
39 margin: 0 !important;
40 border: 1px solid #FFF !important;
41 border-right: 1px solid #AAA !important;
42 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc !important;
43 background: #f4f4f4 !important;
44 color: #6A6A6A !important;
45 text-decoration: none !important;
46 }
47 #page-desc {
48 color: #00368F !important;
50 }
51 #page-desc STRONG {
52 color:#990000 !important;
53 }
55 #main {
56 margin: 0 !important;
57 padding: 16px 16px 0 16px !important;
58 background:url("http://www.netvibes.com/themes/classic/img/bg.gif") !important ;
61 }
62 #main DIV SPAN[style^="font-size"] {
63 display:block !important;
64 background: #EFF5FF !important;
65 padding-left: 20px;
66 }
68 #main H2 {
69 display: block !important;
70 background: #EFF5FF url("http://static.netvibes.com/img/showMod.gif") no-repeat left center !important;
71 height: 1.2em !important;
72 min-height: 20px !important;
73 color: #00368F !important;
74 font-weight: bold !important;
75 padding: 5px 0 5px 16px !important;
76 margin:0px !important;
77 font-size: 14px !important;
78 line-height: 20px !important;
79 }
81 P.smaller STRONG A {
82 color: #00368F !important;
84 }
85 DIV[style^="padding"], DIV#main > .posts {
86 background: #FFF !important;
87 border: 4px solid #EEE !important;
88 margin: 0 0 20px !important;
89 -moz-border-bottom-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
90 -moz-border-top-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
91 -moz-border-left-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
92 -moz-border-right-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
93 }
94 DIV#main > .posts, DIV[style^="padding"],#main H2, #main DIV SPAN[style^="font-size"] {
95 width: 55%
96 }
97 #main H2, #main DIV SPAN[style^="font-size"] {
98 padding-left: 16px !important;
99 }
100 .posts {
101 padding: 10px !important;
102 }
103 .pager > DIV * {
104 padding: 0 !important;
105 }
106 .posts LI {
107 background:none !important;
108 }
110 #main .posts H4 A {
111 border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD !important;
112 color: #333333 !important;
113 font-size: 14px !important;
115 padding: 1px 0 !important;
117 }
118 #main .posts H4 A:visited{
119 color: #777777!important;
120 }
121 H4 A:hover {
122 text-decoration:none !important;
123 background: #FFFFE0 !important;
124 color: #F60 !important;
125 border-bottom: 1px solid #DCDC87 !important;
126 }
127 .meta {
128 margin-top: 5px !important;
129 }
130 .posts A[href^="/"] {
131 font: bold 11px verdana !important;
132 color: #000;
133 }
134 .posts A.tag, A[href^="/tag"] {
135 color: #FF6600 !important;
136 font-weight: bold !important;
137 }
138 .postui .bundle .tag:hover, #suggest .tag:hover {
139 color: #FFF !important;
140 }
141 .meta A.pop {
142 background: #E5EEFF !important ;
143 padding: 2px !important;
144 color: #3366CC !important;
145 }
146 #main DIV[style="margin-top: 2em;"] {
147 display:none !important;
148 }
149 #footer-inner {
150 text-align: center !important;
151 color: #6A6A6A !important;
152 margin-top: 10px !important;
153 }
154 #footer-inner A, #items-per-page A {
155 color: #AAAAAA !important;
156 }
157 #footer-inner A:hover, #items-per-page A:hover {
158 color: #3366CC !important;
159 }
160 #footer-inner #footer-hr {display:none !important;}
161 #footer ul {
162 background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
163 display: inline !important;
164 margin: 0 auto !important;
166 }
167 #footer li {
168 border: 2px solid #EBEBEB !important;
169 padding: 4px;
170 border-left: 0 !important;
171 background: #FFF !important;
173 }
175 #footer li.first {
176 border-left: 2px solid #EBEBEB !important;
177 padding-left: 3px !important;
179 }
180 #footer li:last-child {
181 padding-right: 80px !important;;
182 background: #fff url(http://diamonddestiny.com/MasterTemplates/DiamondDestiny/Theme/Images/common/netcraft.gif) no-repeat right center !important;
183 }
185 #sidebar, #related-sidebar {
186 border: none !important;
187 margin: 58px 20px 0 0 !important;
188 }
190 .sidebar-inner {
191 background: #FFF !important;
192 border: 4px solid #EEE !important;
193 -moz-border-bottom-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
194 -moz-border-top-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
195 -moz-border-left-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
196 -moz-border-right-colors: #EEE #EEE #EEE #79A7E2 !important;
197 }
198 .list li li span, .list .option span {
199 color: #990000 !important;
200 font-weight: bold !important;
201 }
202 A:link, #header A:link, #header A:visited {
203 color: #1C60B7 !important;
204 }
205 }