]> Tony Duckles's Git Repositories (git.nynim.org) - dotfiles.git/history - .gitmodules
.vimrc: Add shortcut to open tag defn in a horz-split
[dotfiles.git] / .gitmodules
2016-09-11 Tony Duckles.vim: Use 'airline' for statusline
2016-04-03 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Update nynim.org
2014-03-30 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Use https:// rather than ssh:// for submod...
2014-03-29 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Use ssh:// rather than git:// for submodul...
2014-03-29 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Add vim-unimpaired
2013-04-20 Tony Duckles.vim: vim-powerline
2013-04-17 Tony Duckles.vim: Use Ctrl-P instead of Command-T
2013-02-03 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Add NERDTree
2013-01-11 Tony Duckles.vim/bundle: Add scriptease, update modules
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add bundle: surround
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Remove bundle: nerdtree
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add bundles: command-t, nerdtree, ack
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add vim bundles: gundo
2012-06-09 Tony Duckles.vim: Add vim bundles: fugitive, git, octopress, solarized