]> Tony Duckles's Git Repositories (git.nynim.org) - dotfiles.git/blob - .vim/colors/watermark.vim
.vimrc: Enable swap files; scrolloff and sidescroll; comment clean-up
[dotfiles.git] / .vim / colors / watermark.vim
1 " Vim color file
2 " watermark v1.0b
3 " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1454
4 "
5 " Maintainer: Shawn Axsom <axs221@gmail.com>
6 "
7 " * Place :colo watermark in your VimRC/GVimRC file
8 " * GvimRC if using GUI any
9 "
10 " - Thanks to Desert and OceanDeep for their color scheme
11 " file layouts
12 " - Thanks to Raimon Grau for his feedback
14 set background=dark
15 if version > 580
16 " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
17 " complaining
18 hi clear
19 if exists("syntax_on")
20 syntax reset
21 endif
22 endif
24 let g:colors_name="watermark"
26 hi Normal guifg=#8b9aaa guibg=#1a202a "1a1823
27 hi NonText guifg=#382920 guibg=bg
29 hi Folded guibg=#222038 guifg=#BBDDCC
30 hi FoldColumn guibg=black guifg=#dbcaa5
31 hi LineNr guibg=black guifg=#8095d5
32 hi StatusLine guibg=grey guifg=#203ad5 gui=none
33 hi StatusLineNC guibg=grey guifg=#1b2058 gui=none
34 hi VertSplit guibg=#22253d guifg=#223355 gui=none
36 hi tablinesel guibg=#515a71 guifg=#50aae5 gui=none
37 hi tabline guibg=#4d4d5f guifg=#5b7098 gui=none
38 hi tablinefill guibg=#2d2d3f guifg=#aaaaaa gui=none
40 " syntax highlighting """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
42 "set comments to grey on non-Windows OS's to make sure
43 "it is readable
44 if &term == "builtin_gui" || &term == "win32"
45 hi Comment guifg=#369960 guibg=bg
46 else
47 hi Comment guifg=#559988 guibg=bg
48 endif
49 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
51 hi Title guifg=#6d806a gui=none
52 hi Underlined guifg=#5b759a gui=none
54 hi Statement guifg=#cac0c0 gui=none
55 hi Type guifg=#6ac0ba gui=none
56 hi Constant guifg=#70a0de
57 hi Number guifg=#1da5da
58 hi PreProc guifg=#c0a0b0
59 hi Special guifg=#50a0b0
60 hi Ignore guifg=grey40
61 hi Todo guifg=orangered guibg=yellow2
62 hi Error guibg=#f06070
63 hi Function guifg=#a090a0 guibg=bg gui=None
64 hi Identifier guifg=#a090b0
65 highlight Exception gui=none guifg=#aaa4a0 guibg=bg
66 """""this section borrowed from OceanDeep/Midnight"""""
67 highlight Conditional gui=None guifg=#c08ac0 guibg=bg
68 highlight Repeat gui=None guifg=#c07ac0 guibg=bg
69 "hi Label gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
70 highlight Operator gui=None guifg=#aa9a45 guibg=bg
71 highlight Keyword gui=bold guifg=grey guibg=bg
72 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
73 "end syntax highlighting """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
75 " highlight groups
76 "hi CursorIM
77 hi Directory guifg=#bbd0df
78 "hi DiffAdd
79 "hi DiffChange
80 "hi DiffDelete
81 "hi DiffText
82 hi ErrorMsg guibg=#ff4545
84 hi Cursor guibg=#cad5c0 guifg=#05293d
87 hi Search guibg=#808373 guifg=#3a4520
88 hi IncSearch guifg=#babeaa guibg=#3a4520
90 hi ModeMsg guifg=#00AACC
91 hi MoreMsg guifg=SeaGreen
92 hi Question guifg=#AABBCC
93 hi SpecialKey guifg=#90dcb0
94 hi Visual guifg=black guibg=#43D5FF
95 hi VisualNOS guifg=#201a30 guibg=#a3a5FF
96 hi WarningMsg guifg=salmon
97 "hi WildMenu
98 "hi Menu
99 "hi Scrollbar guibg=grey30 guifg=tan
100 "hi Tooltip
103 " new Vim 7.0 items
104 hi Pmenu guibg=#3a6595 guifg=#9aadd5
105 hi PmenuSel guibg=#4a85ba guifg=#b0d0f0
111 " color terminal definitions
112 hi Normal ctermfg=grey
113 hi Number ctermfg=blue
114 highlight Operator ctermfg=yellow
115 highlight Conditional ctermfg=darkred
116 highlight Repeat ctermfg=darkred
117 hi Exception ctermfg=red
118 hi function ctermfg=darkyellow
119 hi SpecialKey ctermfg=darkgreen
120 hi NonText cterm=bold ctermfg=darkgrey
121 hi Directory ctermfg=darkcyan
122 hi ErrorMsg cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
123 hi IncSearch ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
124 hi Search ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
125 hi MoreMsg ctermfg=darkgreen
126 hi ModeMsg cterm=NONE ctermfg=brown
127 hi LineNr ctermfg=darkcyan ctermbg=NONE
128 hi Question ctermfg=green
129 hi StatusLine ctermfg=blue ctermbg=grey cterm=NONE
130 hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey cterm=NONE
131 hi VertSplit ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey cterm=NONE
132 hi Title ctermfg=Yellow cterm=NONE
133 hi Visual ctermbg=darkcyan ctermfg=black cterm=NONE
134 hi VisualNOS ctermbg=darkcyan ctermfg=black cterm=NONE
135 hi WarningMsg ctermfg=1
136 hi WildMenu ctermfg=0 ctermbg=3
137 hi Folded ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
138 hi FoldColumn ctermfg=green ctermbg=black
139 hi DiffAdd ctermbg=4
140 hi DiffChange ctermbg=5
141 hi DiffDelete cterm=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=6
142 hi DiffText cterm=bold ctermbg=1
143 hi identifier ctermfg=darkmagenta
145 "set comments to grey on non-Windows OS's to make sure
146 "it is readable
147 if &term == "builtin_gui" || &term == "win32"
148 hi Comment ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=darkblue
149 hi IncSearch ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey cterm=NONE
150 hi Search ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgrey cterm=NONE
151 else
152 hi Comment ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue
153 hi IncSearch ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
154 hi Search ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
155 endif
156 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
158 hi Constant ctermfg=blue
159 hi Special ctermfg=darkmagenta
160 hi Statement ctermfg=red
161 hi PreProc ctermfg=magenta
162 hi Type ctermfg=darkblue " ctermbg=darkblue
163 hi Underlined ctermfg=yellow cterm=NONE
164 hi Ignore cterm=bold ctermfg=7
165 hi Ignore ctermfg=darkgrey
166 hi Error cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
168 " new Vim 7.0 items
169 hi Pmenu ctermbg=darkblue ctermfg=lightgrey
170 hi PmenuSel ctermbg=lightblue ctermfg=white
172 "vim: sw=4