]> Tony Duckles's Git Repositories (git.nynim.org) - dotfiles.git/blob - .vim/colors/zenburn.vim
.vimrc: Enable swap files; scrolloff and sidescroll; comment clean-up
[dotfiles.git] / .vim / colors / zenburn.vim
1 " Vim color file
2 " Maintainer: Jani Nurminen <jani.nurminen@intellitel.com>
3 " Last Change: $Id: zenburn.vim,v 1.13 2002/09/16 18:03:49 jnurmine Exp $
4 " URL: Not yet...
5 " License: GPL
6 "
7 " Nothing too fancy, just some alien fruit salad to keep you in the zone.
8 " This syntax file was designed to be used with dark environments and
9 " low light situations. Of course, if it works during a daybright office, go
10 " ahead :)
11 "
12 " Owes heavily to other Vim color files! With special mentions
13 " to "BlackDust", "Camo" and "Desert".
14 "
15 " To install, copy to ~/.vim/colors directory. Then :colorscheme zenburn.
16 " See also :help syntax
17 "
19 "
20 " You can use the default (don't set any parameters), or you can
21 " set some parameters to tweak the Zenlook colours.
22 "
23 " * To get more contrast to the Visual selection, use
24 "
25 " let g:zenburn_alternate_Visual = 1
26 "
27 " * To use alternate colouring for Error message, use
28 "
29 " let g:zenburn_alternate_Error = 1
30 "
31 " * The new default for Include is a duller orang.e To use the original
32 " colouring for Include, use
33 "
34 " let g:zenburn_alternate_Include = 1
35 "
36 " * To turn the parameter(s) back to defaults, use unlet.
37 "
38 " That's it, enjoy!
39 "
40 " TODO
41 " - IME colouring (CursorIM)
42 " - obscure syntax groups: check and colourize
43 " - add more groups if necessary
45 set background=dark
46 hi clear
47 if exists("syntax_on")
48 syntax reset
49 endif
50 let g:colors_name="zenburn"
52 hi Boolean guifg=#dca3a3
53 hi Character guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
54 hi Comment guifg=#7f9f7f
55 hi Conditional guifg=#f0dfaf gui=bold
56 hi Constant guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
57 hi Cursor guifg=#000d18 guibg=#8faf9f gui=bold
58 hi Debug guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
59 hi Define guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
60 hi Delimiter guifg=#8f8f8f
61 hi DiffAdd guifg=#709080 guibg=#313c36 gui=bold
62 hi DiffChange guibg=#333333
63 hi DiffDelete guifg=#333333 guibg=#464646
64 hi DiffText guifg=#ecbcbc guibg=#41363c gui=bold
65 hi Directory guifg=#dcdccc gui=bold
66 hi ErrorMsg guifg=#60b48a guibg=#3f3f3f gui=bold
67 hi Exception guifg=#c3bf9f gui=bold
68 hi Float guifg=#c0bed1
69 hi FoldColumn guifg=#93b3a3 guibg=#3f4040
70 hi Folded guifg=#93b3a3 guibg=#3f4040
71 hi Function guifg=#efef8f
72 hi Identifier guifg=#efdcbc
73 hi IncSearch guibg=#f8f893 guifg=#385f38
74 hi Keyword guifg=#f0dfaf gui=bold
75 hi Label guifg=#dfcfaf gui=underline
76 hi LineNr guifg=#7f8f8f guibg=#464646
77 hi Macro guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
78 hi ModeMsg guifg=#ffcfaf gui=none
79 hi MoreMsg guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
80 hi NonText guifg=#404040
81 hi Normal guifg=#dcdccc guibg=#3f3f3f
82 hi Number guifg=#8cd0d3
83 hi Operator guifg=#f0efd0
84 hi PreCondit guifg=#dfaf8f gui=bold
85 hi PreProc guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
86 hi Question guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
87 hi Repeat guifg=#ffd7a7 gui=bold
88 hi Search guifg=#ffffe0 guibg=#385f38
89 hi SpecialChar guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
90 hi SpecialComment guifg=#82a282 gui=bold
91 hi Special guifg=#cfbfaf
92 hi SpecialKey guifg=#9ece9e
93 hi Statement guifg=#e3ceab guibg=#3f3f3f gui=none
94 hi StatusLine guifg=#1e2320 guibg=#acbc90
95 hi StatusLineNC guifg=#2e3330 guibg=#88b090
96 hi StorageClass guifg=#c3bf9f gui=bold
97 hi String guifg=#cc9393
98 hi Structure guifg=#efefaf gui=bold
99 hi Tag guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
100 hi Title guifg=#efefef guibg=#3f3f3f gui=bold
101 hi Todo guifg=#7faf8f guibg=#3f3f3f gui=bold
102 hi Typedef guifg=#dfe4cf gui=bold
103 hi Type guifg=#dfdfbf gui=bold
104 hi Underlined guifg=#dcdccc guibg=#3f3f3f gui=underline
105 hi VertSplit guifg=#303030 guibg=#688060
106 hi VisualNOS guifg=#333333 guibg=#f18c96 gui=bold,underline
107 hi WarningMsg guifg=#ffffff guibg=#333333 gui=bold
108 hi WildMenu guibg=#2c302d guifg=#cbecd0 gui=underline
110 if exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Visual")
111 " Visual with more contrast, thanks to Steve Hall & Cream posse
112 hi Visual guifg=#000000 guibg=#71d3b4
113 else
114 " use default visual
115 hi Visual guifg=#233323 guibg=#71d3b4
116 endif
118 if exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Error")
119 " use a bit different Error
120 hi Error guifg=#ef9f9f guibg=#201010 gui=bold
121 else
122 " default
123 hi Error guifg=#e37170 guibg=#332323 gui=none
124 endif
126 if exists("g:zenburn_alternate_Include")
127 " original setting
128 hi Include guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
129 else
130 " new, less contrasted one
131 hi Include guifg=#dfaf8f gui=bold
132 endif
133 " TODO check every syntax group that they're ok