.vimrc: Add vim-gutentags plugin
[dotfiles.git] / bin / git-thanks
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Usage: git-thanks <since>..<until>
3 # Display the various commit-authors and the # of commits each has made.
4 #
5 # All commits on master, ever:
6 # git-thanks master
7 #
8 # All commits on master since the 0.9.0 tag:
9 # git-thanks 0.9.0..master
11 git log "$1" |
12 grep Author: |
13 sed 's/Author: \(.*\) <.*/\1/' |
14 sort |
15 uniq -c |
16 sort -rn |
17 sed 's/ *\([0-9]\{1,\}\) \(.*\)/\2 (\1)/'