]> Tony Duckles's Git Repositories (git.nynim.org) - dotfiles.git/blob - .vim/colors/midnight.vim
Kerberos handling for EPIC.COM
[dotfiles.git] / .vim / colors / midnight.vim
1 " Vim color file
2 " Maintainer: Michael Brailsford <brailsmt@yahoo.com>
3 " Date: $Date: 2002/04/11 03:29:51 $
4 " Version: $Revision: 1.4 $
6 " cool help screens
7 " :he group-name
8 " :he highlight-groups
9 " :he cterm-colors
11 " your pick:
12 set background=dark
13 hi clear
14 if exists("syntax_on")
15 syntax reset
16 endif
17 let g:colors_name="midnight"
19 hi Normal guifg=lightsteelblue guibg=#00006f ctermfg=14
21 "Toggle semicolon matching at the end of lines
22 nmap <silent> <leader>; :call ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()<cr>
23 "{{{
24 function! ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()
25 if exists("b:semicolon")
26 unlet b:semicolon
27 hi semicolon guifg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE
28 else
29 syn match semicolon #;$#
30 hi semicolon guifg=red gui=bold ctermfg=1
31 let b:semicolon = 1
32 endif
33 endfunction
34 "}}}
36 hi Cursor guifg=bg guibg=fg ctermfg=0 ctermbg=11
37 "hi CursorIM
38 hi Directory gui=bold
39 hi DiffAdd guifg=yellow guibg=darkgreen ctermbg=0
40 "hi DiffChange
41 "hi DiffDelete
42 "hi DiffText
43 hi ErrorMsg guibg=red ctermfg=1
44 "hi VertSplit
45 hi Folded guibg=#000047 ctermbg=4 guifg=yellow ctermfg=11 gui=bold
46 hi FoldColumn guibg=steelblue3 ctermbg=14 guifg=darkblue ctermfg=11 gui=bold
47 "hi IncSearch
48 hi LineNr guifg=yellow ctermfg=11
49 hi ModeMsg guifg=yellow gui=bold
50 "hi MoreMsg
51 "hi NonText
52 "hi Question
53 hi Search guibg=yellow guifg=bg
54 "hi SpecialKey
55 hi StatusLine guifg=steelblue1
56 hi StatusLineNC guifg=steelblue3
57 "hi Title
58 hi Visual guifg=fg guibg=bg
59 "hi VisualNOS
60 "hi WarningMsg
61 "hi WildMenu
62 "hi Menu
63 "hi Scrollbar
64 "hi Tooltip
66 " syntax highlighting groups
67 hi Comment guifg=green ctermfg=10
68 hi Constant guifg=lightmagenta gui=bold ctermfg=13
69 hi String guifg=indianred1 ctermfg=5
70 hi Character guifg=violet ctermfg=5
71 hi Number guifg=turquoise1 ctermfg=5
72 "hi Identifier
73 hi Statement guifg=khaki1 gui=bold ctermfg=15 cterm=underline
74 hi PreProc guifg=firebrick1 gui=italic ctermfg=9
75 hi Type guifg=gold gui=bold ctermfg=3
76 "hi Special
77 "hi Underlined
78 "hi Ignore
79 "hi Error
80 hi Todo guifg=yellow guibg=blue gui=bold