]> Tony Duckles's Git Repositories (git.nynim.org) - svn2svn.git/blob - svn2svn/shell.py
Add svn2svn specific changes
[svn2svn.git] / svn2svn / shell.py
1 """ Shell functions """
3 from svn2svn import ui
4 from svn2svn.errors import ExternalCommandFailed
6 import os
7 import locale
8 from datetime import datetime
9 import time
10 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
11 import shutil
12 import stat
13 import sys
14 import traceback
15 import re
17 try:
18 import commands
19 except ImportError:
20 commands = None
23 # Windows compatibility code by Bill Baxter
24 if os.name == "nt":
25 def find_program(name):
26 """
27 Find the name of the program for Popen.
28 Windows is finnicky about having the complete file name. Popen
29 won't search the %PATH% for you automatically.
30 (Adapted from ctypes.find_library)
31 """
32 # See MSDN for the REAL search order.
33 base, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
34 if ext:
35 exts = [ext]
36 else:
37 exts = ['.bat', '.exe']
38 for directory in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
39 for e in exts:
40 fname = os.path.join(directory, base + e)
41 if os.path.exists(fname):
42 return fname
43 return name
44 else:
45 def find_program(name):
46 """
47 Find the name of the program for Popen.
48 On Unix, popen isn't picky about having absolute paths.
49 """
50 return name
53 def _rmtree_error_handler(func, path, exc_info):
54 """
55 Error handler for rmtree. Helps removing the read-only protection under
56 Windows (and others?).
57 Adapted from http://www.proaxis.com/~darkwing/hot-backup.py
58 and http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/bazaar-ng/patch?id=4243
59 """
60 if func in (os.remove, os.rmdir) and os.path.exists(path):
61 # Change from read-only to writeable
62 os.chmod(path, os.stat(path).st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE)
63 func(path)
64 else:
65 # something else must be wrong...
66 raise
68 def rmtree(path):
69 """
70 Wrapper around shutil.rmtree(), to provide more error-resistent behaviour.
71 """
72 return shutil.rmtree(path, False, _rmtree_error_handler)
75 locale_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
77 def get_encoding():
78 return locale_encoding
80 def shell_quote(s):
81 global _debug_showcmd
82 if _debug_showcmd:
83 # If showing OS commands being executed, don't wrap "safe" strings in quotes.
84 if re.compile('^[A-Za-z0-9=-]+$').match(s):
85 return s
86 if os.name == "nt":
87 q = '"'
88 else:
89 q = "'"
90 return q + s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + q
92 def _run_raw_command(cmd, args, fail_if_stderr=False):
93 cmd_string = "%s %s" % (cmd, " ".join(map(shell_quote, args)))
94 ui.status("* %s", cmd_string, level=ui.DEBUG)
95 try:
96 pipe = Popen([cmd] + args, executable=cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
97 except OSError:
98 etype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
99 raise ExternalCommandFailed(
100 "Failed running external program: %s\nError: %s"
101 % (cmd_string, "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value))))
102 out, err = pipe.communicate()
103 if "nothing changed" == out.strip(): # skip this error
104 return out
105 if pipe.returncode != 0 or (fail_if_stderr and err.strip()):
106 raise ExternalCommandFailed(
107 "External program failed (return code %d): %s\n%s\n%s"
108 % (pipe.returncode, cmd_string, err, out))
109 return out
111 def _run_raw_shell_command(cmd):
112 ui.status("* %s", cmd, level=ui.DEBUG)
113 st, out = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
114 if st != 0:
115 raise ExternalCommandFailed(
116 "External program failed with non-zero return code (%d): %s\n%s"
117 % (st, cmd, out))
118 return out
120 def run_command(cmd, args=None, bulk_args=None, encoding=None, fail_if_stderr=False):
121 """
122 Run a command without using the shell.
123 """
124 args = args or []
125 bulk_args = bulk_args or []
126 def _transform_arg(a):
127 if isinstance(a, unicode):
128 a = a.encode(encoding or locale_encoding or 'UTF-8')
129 elif not isinstance(a, str):
130 a = str(a)
131 return a
133 cmd = find_program(cmd)
134 if not bulk_args:
135 return _run_raw_command(cmd, map(_transform_arg, args), fail_if_stderr)
136 # If one of bulk_args starts with a dash (e.g. '-foo.php'),
137 # svn will take this as an option. Adding '--' ends the search for
138 # further options.
139 for a in bulk_args:
140 if a.strip().startswith('-'):
141 args.append("--")
142 break
143 max_args_num = 254
144 i = 0
145 out = ""
146 while i < len(bulk_args):
147 stop = i + max_args_num - len(args)
148 sub_args = []
149 for a in bulk_args[i:stop]:
150 sub_args.append(_transform_arg(a))
151 out += _run_raw_command(cmd, args + sub_args, fail_if_stderr)
152 i = stop
153 return out
155 def run_shell_command(cmd, args=None, bulk_args=None, encoding=None):
156 """
157 Run a shell command, properly quoting and encoding arguments.
158 Probably only works on Un*x-like systems.
159 """
160 def _quote_arg(a):
161 if isinstance(a, unicode):
162 a = a.encode(encoding or locale_encoding)
163 elif not isinstance(a, str):
164 a = str(a)
165 return shell_quote(a)
167 if args:
168 cmd += " " + " ".join(_quote_arg(a) for a in args)
169 max_args_num = 254
170 i = 0
171 out = ""
172 if not bulk_args:
173 return _run_raw_shell_command(cmd)
174 while i < len(bulk_args):
175 stop = i + max_args_num - len(args)
176 sub_args = []
177 for a in bulk_args[i:stop]:
178 sub_args.append(_quote_arg(a))
179 sub_cmd = cmd + " " + " ".join(sub_args)
180 out += _run_raw_shell_command(sub_cmd)
181 i = stop
182 return out
184 def run_svn(args=None, bulk_args=None, fail_if_stderr=False,
185 mask_atsign=False):
186 """
187 Run an SVN command, returns the (bytes) output.
188 """
189 if mask_atsign:
190 # The @ sign in Subversion revers to a pegged revision number.
191 # SVN treats files with @ in the filename a bit special.
192 # See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1985203
193 for idx in range(len(args)):
194 if "@" in args[idx] and args[idx][0] not in ("-", '"'):
195 args[idx] = "%s@" % args[idx]
196 if bulk_args:
197 for idx in range(len(bulk_args)):
198 if ("@" in bulk_args[idx]
199 and bulk_args[idx][0] not in ("-", '"')):
200 bulk_args[idx] = "%s@" % bulk_args[idx]
201 return run_command("svn",
202 args=args, bulk_args=bulk_args, fail_if_stderr=fail_if_stderr)
204 def skip_dirs(paths, basedir="."):
205 """
206 Skip all directories from path list, including symbolic links to real dirs.
207 """
208 # NOTE: both tests are necessary (Cameron Hutchison's patch for symbolic
209 # links to directories)
210 return [p for p in paths
211 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basedir, p))
212 or os.path.islink(os.path.join(basedir, p))]
214 def get_script_name():
215 """Helper to return the name of the command line script that was called."""
216 return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])